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Route Data Tab (Airline Code Parameters)




Optimum Method

This is the default route optimizer for the airline. 

Options are:

  • Least Fuel (Fuel), 

  • Least Cost (Cost),

  • Least Time

  • If left blank, NFP looks at the main parameter file. 

The option entered in this field impacts route selection and the route analysis process. 

Also, the Optimum route option uses the default optimizer to generate an MTTA (shown below).

Note: Contact Support for more information.

Rules Enabled

Options are Yes , Rad Only (RAD only), No (Ignore), or Error

You can manually change these options, but this parameter determines what the default setting is. 

  • If set to Yes, NFP provides a warning if a rule(s) impacts the route. 

  • If set to Rad Only, NFP only considers the RAD document(s) when generating a route. 

  • If set to No, the rules are ignored and no warning/error is generated. 

  • If set to Error, NFP generates an error if a rule(s) impacts the route.  

  • If blank, the same behavior as Yes occurs.

Note: The Apply Rules options are located in the Options Group on the Route Screen.

Check RNP

Checks whether the navigation data within NFP taken from the ARINC 424 data has any associated RNP values stored within the appropriate segments or records. The RNP Check ensures that an aircraft has a PBN code that corresponds to the RNP level of the airway. 

Example: An RNP5 airway will require either the B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 or B6 PBN code. The MTTA will not use an airway if the aircraft has PBN codes and the required code is absent. 

Airport procedures will continue to be filtered based on the RNP LVL for the aircraft.

The options are:

  • Warn – try to avoid, warning if not avoided (even if specified in route). 

  • Error – try to avoid, error if not avoided (even if specified in route).

  • Perform RNP validation if an override is available or if an PBN RNP can be used in validation. Note: Due to differences in allowable values between PBN and SIDs, STARs and approaches, the PBN RPN value cannot be used to validate SIDs, STARs and approaches. 

  • No – don’t check RPN value

Check RNP Strict

When set to Yes, airways requiring RNAV equipment are avoided if the aircraft does not have the necessary RNAV equipment.

Mtta Factor

If blank, the default value is 1.1. Any other value entered (1.2 – 2.0) becomes the default MTTA factor in the NFP route screen. An increase in the search splay increases the number of waypoint/airway connections and increases the time required for MTTA route generation.

Always Avoid Uda

Use this checkbox to always avoid UDAs. When selected, the Avoid Uda menu is deactivated and is automatically set to Error.

Avoid UDA

The Avoid UDA dropdown box has the following options, which also apply to Fixed Restricted Areas as defined below:

  • Ignore: If the flight does not avoid UDAs a warning or error is not received.  

  • Warn: If the flight  does not avoid UDAs a warning displays in the notification box and the flight will still compute.

  • Error: If the flight  does not avoid UDAs the flight will not compute and displays an error.

Avoid Restricted

The Avoid Restrict Drop-down box has the following options:

  • Ignore: no warning or error is received for restricted areas.

  • Apply: will apply restricted area avoidance if MTTA is used to find a route, but no warning will be given if a fixed route through a restricted area is used.

  • Warn: warnings are displayed if a restricted area cannot be avoided.

  • Error: error messages are displayed if a restricted area cannot be avoided and the route is not built and the compute fails.

NOTAM Restricted Areas

This field separates NOTAM restricted areas from existing restricted areas. Allows you define and avoid NOTAM restricted areas. 

Options are: 

  • (A)lert, 

  • (C)aution, 

  • (D)anger, 

  • (M)ilitary, 

  • (P)rohibited, 

  • (R)estricted, 

  • (T)raining, 

  • (W)arning, 

  • (U)nknown. 

You can enter any combination of these options into this field.

Fixed Restricted Areas

This field allows you to define the areas that you want considered to be restricted. 

Options are: 

  • (A)lert, 

  • (C)aution, 

  • (D)anger, 

  • (M)ilitary, 

  • (P)rohibited, 

  • (R)estricted, 

  • (T)raining, 

  • (W)arning, 

  • (U)nknown. 

You can enter any combination of these options into this field. This field cannot be blank if Avoid Restricted is set to Yes. 

Note: This field also applies to User Defined Areas (UDA).

Restricted Buffer

This field enables you to add a buffer to extend the restricted time of a user defined restricted area. The time entered is added to the start and end of the restricted area time. 

Note: The buffer also affects published region alerts and avoidance of restricted areas when building a route. 

Avoid Tracks

This flag dictates whether you want to avoid the North Atlantic tracks (NATS) by default. 

  • If set to Yes, NFP checkbox for Avoid NATs is selected by default. 

  • If set to No, checkbox must be manually selected to avoid NATs. 

  • Default setting is No.

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Analysis Types

Include in route analysis results. 

Options are:

  • (C)dr, 

  • (P)ref, 

  • Play (B)ook, 

  • (I)FPS,

  • (-)None. 

Note: UK and Ireland SRD routes are included with FAA pref routes when P (pref) is used.

IFPS Routes

Enter the number of IFPS routes to request during route analysis. 

Refer to CMFU Route Retrieval for more information.

IFPS 8.33 Check

Options are Yes or No.

  • Select Yes to require aircraft to be 8.33 compliant when flying in IFPS airspace. 

  • Select No, or leave blank to not require a compliance check.

Recalc if Winds change

Check to perform a recalculation of the route analysis when new routes arrive for a computed flight within a time range of ETD-6 to ETD+18.

Stay in ERA Circles

When checked, the system builds a route that keeps a MTTA route within the 60 min EEP/EXP or ETOPS circles. 

Note: Must have ETOPS enabled to use the checkbox. 

AIRAC Cycle Buffer

Enter a buffer time from 0000z for the next AIRAC cycle to become effective. Use a negative number to move the buffer prior to 0000z and a positive number extends the current AIRAC cycle. If blank, the next AIRAC cycle becomes effective at 0000z.




Populate List From/ Max Search Radius

Options are M (menu 110 only), R (radius only), or B (both – if menu 110 is unsuitable). 

  • If set to M, NFP only considers alternates entered in this database. 

  • If set to R, NFP searches for suitable alternates based on the circle radius around the destination station as set in the Max Search Radius field below this one. 

  • If the search radius field is blank, the default search area is 500NM.

Example: The field is set to 50NM, NFP searches for suitable alternates within a 50NM radius around the destination station. NFP does not look at FOMS 110 since R is set. If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Min List Size

Enter a numerical value in this field. Default number of alternates is 4 when the field is blank. NFP provides a specific number of alternate choices based on this setting. These appear in NFP’s plan screen as shown below:

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Max Search Radius

Refer to Populate List From.

Default Count

Options are a numerical value (0-4), D (Domestic), I (International), or N (never set). 

  • If a numerical value is entered, NFP only chooses that number of alternates in the plan screen based on suitability and weather criteria.

  • If set to D, NFP does not choose any alternates if the flight is Domestic. 

  • If set to I, NFP does not choose any alternates if the flight is International. 

  • If set to N, NFP does not choose any alternates regardless of whether the flight is Domestic or International. 

  • If blank, NFP chooses the best destination alternate based on suitability and weather criteria. 

Note: The standard default count functionality is used only when the Dynamic Alternates is not in use. For information about Dynamic Alternates, see below.

Dynamic Alternates

The Dynamic Alternates check-box triggers functionality for alternate selection and filtering based on weather criteria.

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When Dynamic Alternates is selected:

  • N-FP selects the appropriate number of Alternate Airports based on forecast weather.

  • The "Default Count" of required Alternate Airports is used when there is not a valid weather forecast for the time of the flight.

    • If "0 if domestic" is selected, the system dynamically selects the number of required alternate airports, based upon weather forecast, with the base count being NO ALT for Domestic Flights and One Alternate for International Flights.

    • If "0 if international" is selected, the system dynamically selects the number of required alternate airports, based upon weather forecast, with the base count being NO ALT for International Flights and One Alternate for Domestic Flights.

    • If "Never" is selected, dynamic selection is DISABLED.

Note: The thresholds for the number of required Alternates is detailed under Dynamic Alternates Criteria.

The Default Takeoff Alternate selection now includes an option for Dynamic, in addition to the options of Yes and No

  • When set to Dynamic, N-FP uses the weather thresholds for the Origin Airport to automatically select a Takeoff Alternate as needed, based on forecast. 

Note: When the Dynamic Alternates checkbox is deselected, current functionality for Alternate selection and filtering remains in place.

Total Alternates

Enter the number of alternates to show in the Flight Package (up to 9). The additional alternates are selected based on the Alt List Source and Max Search Radius fields in the Alternate Defaults group in the Route Data tab on the Airline Code Parameters WebFOMS screen. 

Note: Alt List Source is called Populate List From on the FOMS 170 menu. 

The alternates are not included in burn calculations. 

Note: A format change is required for this functionality, contact support for more information.

Filter By Weather

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP considers the weather criteria entered in FOMS 170 under Other

  • If set to No, NFP does not consider weather criteria for choosing a suitable alternate. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as Yes occurs.

Default Takeoff

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP uses the Max Search Radius around the origin to find a suitable takeoff alternate and display it in the plan screen.

Note: The Takeoff Alternate Max Distance setting in FOMS 220 may impact NFP’s choice.

Default PSR

Options are Yes, No or ISLD

  • If the field is blank, default is Yes

  • If set to Yes, NFP defaults the PSR station to the origin as shown below. 

  • If set to No, NFP does not provide a PSR default station. 

  • If set to ISLD, the PSR is defaulted if the ISLD is selected as the alternate on the Plan screen.

Note:   Point of safe return is the furthest waypoint along a route of flight which guarantees a safe return to the PSR station with the minimum landing fuel on board. A format change is required to show PSR information on your flight plans.

PSR Location

Choose whether to find a PSR near the origin or destination airport.

PSR Policy

Enter a policy to use for PSR calculations. A policy can contain up to 6 scenarios and each scenario can create a PSR location.

Dynamic Alternates Criteria

In addition to the use of the Ceiling and Visibility criteria from the Weather Minima group within the Weather & NOTAM tab to determine alternates, you can also use distinct criteria for alternate selection. These new fields provide greater flexibility in setting weather triggers for the appropriate number of alternate airports.




Burn Method

Options are:

  • Max Burn All = maximum burn – highest burn based on selected alternates,

  • Max Burn 1 and 2 = maximum burn between alternates 1 and 2,

  • Primary = burn to primary alternate (first alternate selected)

  • Primary via Alt2 = burn to 1st alternate via 2nd alternate

  • No burn = no burn

Alternate fuel required on the flight plans are based on the option selected.

Restrict Distance

Options are Yes or No

  • If Y is entered, alternate selection is restricted so that 2nd, 3rd , or 4th alternate distances must be closer to the destination than the previous alternate. 

  • If No is selected, the functionality of the Burn Alternate parameter dictates the result.

Distance Bias

Entry field is numeric (distance in NM). 

Example below shows 25NM

  • If the alternate route does not use a SID or a STAR, 25NM is added to the total route distance and burns are adjusted accordingly. 

  • If neither a SID or STAR are available, an additional 50NM (25 NM for the SID + 25NM for the STAR) is added to the total route distance and burns are adjusted accordingly.

Hold in Min Alt Fuel

Options are Y (yes) or N (no).

  • If set to Y, hold fuel is included in the minimum alternate fuel requirement for the alternate. 

  • If set to N, it is not included. 

  • Default setting is N.

Use AWYs to ALT

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP selects the first saved alternate route. If a saved route is not available, NFP generates an MTTA taking airways into consideration.

  • If set to No, NFP looks for the first saved alternate route. If a saved route is not available, NFP generates a Great Circle DCT route between destination and alternate. 

  • If blank, NFP produces the same result as if No was entered.

Convert High Mins

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP converts unreachable airway segments (too high) to DCT legs for alternate route building. 

  • If set to No, NFP does not convert these and may generate an error if an alternate route cannot be built.

Use Main Cruise

Options are Yes, No or Specific.

  • If set to Yes, NFP will always calculate the alternate burns using the main route cruise profile. 

  • If set to No, NFP will default to LRC or the abnormal cruise profile as set in FOMS 230. 

  • If set to Specific , you must enter a default alternate cruise profile in the Default Cruise profile field. 

Note: This field cannot be blank.

Default Cruise profile

To use this field the Use Main Cruise field must be set to Specific

  1. Enter a default alternate cruise profile. 

  2. In the Alternates section of the Plan screen, the profile entered is populated in the Profile field.

  3. Entries in this field are not validated, the N-FP system defaults to the aircraft's profile entered in the Aircraft Characteristics Database screen if you enter a profile not in the database.

Takeoff Alt Failures

Options are ErrorWarning, and Except MLW

  • If set to Error, NFP generates an error if there is a problem with the selected takeoff alternate.

  • If set to Warning, NFP allows the compute to occur but generates a warning.

  • If set to Except MLW, NFP generates an error unless the problem is due to exceeding the MLW value at the takeoff alternate.

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Allow no Alt

Options are Y (yes), N (no), D (Domestic Only), I (International Only) or A (Auto if no Alts). 

  • If set to Y, NFP allows users to choose NONE instead of a specific alternate.

  • If set to N, NFP does not allow users to choose NONE.

  • If set to D, NFP only allows the NONE selection if the flight is Domestic.

  • If set to I, NFP only allows the NONE selection if the flight is International.

  • If set to A, the system automatically selects None if no alternates are set.

No Alt Time/No Alt Fuel – used with alternate selection = NONE

Entry field is numeric (minutes). NFP calculates an alternate burn based on time value entered at TOD fuel flow.

No Alt Display Location – used with alternate selection = NONE

Options are Alt or Hold (Alt = Alternate / Hold = Hold). If set to Alt, the alternate burn based on No Alt Time entry shows up on the flight plan as alternate fuel. If set to Hold, the fuel value shows up on the flight plan as hold fuel.

Min Rnav Separation Dist 

Minimum Distance in Nautical Miles (NM) between Dest and Alt RNAV Approches.


          CEILING                 VISIBILITY

TO Alt - Require TKOF ALTN when ceiling (and visibility) below value

1 Alt - Require 1 alternate when ceiling (and visibility) below value

2 Alt - Require 2 alternate when ceiling (and visibility) below value

3 Alt - Require 3 alternate when ceiling (and visibility) below value

4 Alt - Require 4 alternate when ceiling (and visibility) below value

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In addition to use of the ceiling and visibility criteria from the Weather Minima group within the Weather & NOTAM tab to determine alternates, you can also use distinct criteria for alternate selection. These new fields provide greater flexibility in setting weather triggers for the appropriate number of alternate airports.




Auto Reclear Fuel

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP automatically adds extra fuel for reclear requirements without forcing the you to do so. 

  • If set to No, NFP generates an error, forcing you to manually add fuel to meet  the reclear requirements. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as Yes occurs.

Reclear MLW Error (MLW = max landing weight)

Options are Yes or No

  • If Yes is entered, NFP generates an error message if the MLW has been exceeded at the reclear destination. Payload needs to be reduced, or reclear destination changed. 

  • If No is entered, the system provides a warning message to the dispatcher, but the Flight Plan still computes. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as No occurs.

Reset Reclear for Inflight

Options are Yes or No

  • If Yes is entered, the fuel value entered in FOMS 220 for Reclear Pad is omitted from the in-flight revision calculation. 

  • If set to No, NFP includes the fuel as entered in FOMS 220 for Reclear Pad

  • If blank, the same behavior as No occurs.

Inflight MLW Warning - for inflight revisions only

Options are Yes or No

  • If Yes is entered, NFP generates a warning message if the max landing weight at the original diversion destination is exceeded. The warning provides useful weight information to the dispatcher, and still allows for a successful compute. 

  • If No is selected, the NFP generates an error until changes are made. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as Yes occurs.


Options are Yes or No

  • If Yes is entered, NFP will successfully compute an in-flight revision without having to remove alternates used for ETOPS/ETP/EEP/EXP. 

  • If set to No, NFP will remove all alternates used for ETOPS/ETP/EEP/EXP prior to computing the in-flight revision.

Note: If the Guess ETOPS Stations flag is set to Y, NFP selects ETOPS alternates required to keep the route compliant. If set to N, dispatchers must manually select appropriate ETOPS alternates. ETP information may not be available if alternates do not correlate with the in-flight route.

Use FAR/RLF –FAA arrival fuel / Recommended landing fuel

This field impacts in-flight revisions only. Options are Y or N

  • If set to Y, ballast, additional, and additional 2 fuel values are not included in the minimum landing fuel calculation. 

  • If the flag is set to N, these fuels are included as part of the minimum landing fuel requirement.


The following options are available for Curfew check, all options are Y(es) or N(o):

  • Alternates

  • Reclear Destination

  • Reclear Alternate

  • ETP


  • Take-Off Alternate

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