This program will permit you to create routes between any city-pair. It is designed to offer you complete flexibility so that you can be specific about every detail of the route, or define the route in terms of one or more MTTA (Minimum Time Track Airways) segments, or any combination in between.
The building blocks of any route are:
Field | Description |
AIRAC Cycle / Cycle | Choose the AIRAC Cycle to use. Refer to: AIRAC Cycle for more information. |
SIDs (Standard Instrument Departures) | Form the link between an Airport and the surrounding Airways structure. In defining a route, you may specify the exact SID that you want by name and transition point, or you may chose just the SID name or the transition point (catering to conditions where a particular SID may go to several different transition waypoints, or SIDs of different names may route through the same transition waypoint), or you may simply indicate that you want the route analysis program to select the best available route at the time of the flight. |
PREFERRED DEPARTURE ROUTES | These routes begin at an airport and end at a designated Transition Waypoint. They may or may not be associated with a particular Track Structure. Typically, these routes are published by ATC authorities on a routine basis (can be daily). |
PREFERRED ENTRIES | Entry routes provide the link between an intermediate waypoint between the Origin airport and the start (anchor point) of a route structure such as the North Atlantic Tracks (NATs). Note: In some cases the Preferred Entry may start at the Origin airport. |
PREFERRED EXITS | Form the link between the ends of Track Structures and some intermediate waypoint towards the destination. Note: In some cases the Exit may terminate at the destination airport. |
PREFERRED ARRIVAL ROUTES | These routes start at a Transition Waypoint and terminate at a specific airport. They may or may not be associated with a particular Track Structure. Typically, these routes are published by ATC authorities on a routine basis (can be daily). |
STARs (Standard Terminal Arrivals) | Form the link between the airways structure and specific airports. They may be included within Preferred Departure Routes, as well as Preferred Exits in those cases such routes terminate at an airport. |
MTTA (Minimum Time Track - Airways) | This is a route composed of official Airways and approved direct legs that is generated by the system using the forecast high level winds and temperatures, and the flight level and Mach number appropriate to the Aircraft type selected for the flight. Note: The MTTA should be used whenever you want the system to determine the optimum route. |
DCT | Direct legs may be included in a route in a number of specific cases: If no SID, Preferred Departure, or Entry Route is specified, then the leg to the first waypoint is presumed to be direct. Direct legs may be specified between any two waypoints, provided that such a direct leg has already been entered into the Direct Legs database. This is to ensure that only approved direct legs are entered to avoid their indiscriminate (and potentially dangerous) use. Any waypoint may be linked directly to the destination if a STAR, Preferred Arrival, or Exit Route has not been entered.
AIRWAYS | A route may be defined by a series of Airways links, provided that they conform to the Airways database. There are file maintenance programs for each of these building blocks. The individual pieces may be assembled in the City-Pair Routes file, or in the Manual Route Screen of the Flight Plan program. If a route is defined generically (i.e. if the route is not completely hard coded) it is the task of the Route Analysis program to assemble these appropriate building blocks optimally. |
The modes available are:
Add Mode
Field | Description |
O/D (Orig/Dest) | Enter the ICAO or IATA codes for the Origin and Destination Airports. The alternative codes and the Airport names will be retrieved and displayed in the fields to the right. |
# (Route Number) | Enter a number from 1 to 99. Note: If you select a number that is already in use, then the list of available numbers will be displayed on the Command Line. |
ETP | This field is used to force the system to warn the dispatcher that an ETP is required if this route is used. The valid inputs are <Y> and <N>. <Y> will cause the warning to appear to the dispatcher on the flight screen of the route being used in the plan. <N> will cause the system to ignore the warning. This is a manual entry and is up to the person building the route to determine if the route will require an ETP.
ETOPS | This field is used to force the system to warn the dispatcher that the route will require ETOPS. The valid inputs are <Y> and <N>. <Y> will cause the warning to appear to the dispatcher on the flight screen of the route being used in the plan. <N> will cause the system to ignore the warning. This is a manual entry and is up to the person building the route to determine if the route will require ETOPS compliance.
VALID DYS | This section is used to specify which days the route in question is valid for. The valid entries are as follows: |
VALID HRS | This section of the route screen is used to restrict a route for use during a specified time. The user has the option of leaving the From and To field blank which will have the effect of allowing the route to be used during all hours. The user can also add a From and To time that will restrict the use of the route between those times. Note: If you are adding a valid time range to a route, there is a difference between using the Weekdays option and selecting days of the week, see Valid Days for more information.
A/C TYPE | This field is used to allow the user to designate an aircraft type that the route can be used for. The valid entry is any valid aircraft type id (i.e., B737, B757, and L1011). Note: Leaving the field blank will allow the route to be used for all aircraft types. |
Aircraft Series | This field is used to allow the user to designate an aircraft series that the route can be used for. The aircraft type must be designated to use this field. A valid entry is any valid aircraft series id (for example, 800, 900, 1000). Note: Leaving the field blank will allow the route to be used for all aircraft series of aircraft type specified in the A/C TYPE field. |
FIN | This field is used to designate the route as only being valid for a particular FIN. The valid entry is any valid FIN id (e.g.,301, 168, 552, etc). Note: Leaving the field blank will allow the route to be used for all FINS. |
EQUIP | This field is used to allow the user to specify what equipment is required on board the aircraft for the route to be used in the planning of a flight. The valid entries are any text character. The behavior of this field is that it must match the information stored in the Equip field of the aircraft characteristic record for the fin being planned for the flight to use the route. Note: The field was designed to allow the user to define their own special equipment codes, thus the reason for allowing any text character to be entered. |
USAGE | This field is used to indicate how the route is used. Options are: Main, Alternate, Blank. Main <M> indicates that the route can only be used in the main route. Alternate <A> indicates that the route can only be used in alternate routes. Blank indicates that it can be used in any route.
When creating a flight, the 1st non-alt-only city-pair route will be used for calculating permit In FOMS 171 menu, the Pref Route No field will not accept Alt-only city-pair routes and '?' will not list Alt-only routes. Note: A compute will fail if the Alt-only city-pair routes are assigned to main or if main-only city-pair routes are assigned to alternate. |
PROD | This field is used to specify the route in production and thus usable by the dispatcher in planning. The valid entries are Y and N: “Y” indicates that the route is usable by the dispatchers in flight planning. “N” restricts the route from being used in any flight planning mode. Also, the use of N will eliminate the route from being used in the generation of the route analysis for the flight in question.
J/P (Jet/Prop) | This flag allows you to restrict the use of this route to Jet or non-jet (loosely called prop) aircraft. |
CAP | If you want to impose a flight level cap for this route, enter the flight level (e.g. 250 for FL250). |
TRK | Enter the appropriate Track Structure abbreviation (e.g., NAT for North Atlantic Track, or PAC for Pacific.) |
SID/DEPT (SID, Departure or DCT) | Entering <S> in this field indicates that you want to use a Standard Instrument Departure in the route. Entering <D> indicates that you want a Preferred Departure route to be used. Entering <X> indicates that you want a direct MTTA route and do not want to use the SID. Optional to leave this field blank if you want.
SID/DEPT NAME | If you have indicated in the previous field that you want to use a SID or Preferred Departure, then you may name the specific procedure in this field. The <?> Search function may be used to select from the available options. This field is optional. |
SID/DEPT WAYPOINT | Use this field to define a particular transitional Waypoint for the SID or Preferred Departure. You must select a waypoint that is in the SID database for the Origin Airport, and if you have named the SID, then the waypoint must correspond with the named procedure. The <?> Search function may be used to make this selection. This field is optional. Note: If left blank, then the Route Analysis program will determine the best choice for the current conditions. |
SID/STAR DSP | Enter whether or not waypoints removed from disabled route still show in the expanded view, yes <Y> or no <N>. See, Modified SIDs and Stars - City Pair Routes for more information. |
STAR/ARV (STAR, Preferred Arrival or DCT) | Enter <S> if you want a STAR to be part of the route, or <A> for an EXIT. Enter <X> to not use a STAR and generate a DCT MTTA route.
This field is optional. |
STAR/ARV NAME/WAYPOINT | These fields may be used to specify a particular STAR/Transition Waypoint or Arrival/Transition Waypoint combination if you want, or left blank. If left blank, the Route Analysis program will select the best option for current conditions whenever the route is selected. |
VALID FROM | Enter a date on which you want the city-pair to become available. |
J/P | This field lets you assign two plane types to a route, either Jet/Prop, Jet/Hel, Prop/Hel. Note: If blank all three apply. |
EXPIRY DATE | Enter the time period after which this route should be purged from the file. The options are: DDMMYY to signify a specific Deletion Date, e.g., 311201 ##D to signify a number of days, e.g., 12D ##M to signify a number of months, e.g., 02M FLOAT <F> to signify the route is a floating route and the delete date will automatically be reset to 12 months from the last date the route was used in a route analysis or flight plan computation. <N> to signify Never (i.e., to make this route permanent) The default entry is <F>, making the route a floating route.
DELETE DATE | This field is set by the system depending on the user input in the expiry date field. Note: The user has no access to this field. |
DISABLED | This field is display only. The Disabled flag will be set automatically by the AIRAC update background checking programs whenever a route is encountered that cannot be updated automatically, but which is rendered corrupt or unusable as a result of navigation data updates. The Update field will be changed to reflect the date on which the Disabled flag was set. This flag will enable the Route Analysis program to ignore such routes, and will permit users to generate reports of routes which require editing. It will be automatically removed by the program as soon as the route has been edited in such a manner that the route verification process is successful. Note: If the route has not been edited to remove the disabled flag within 25 days, it will be removed from the routes data file. |
SRC | Enter your initials to indicate who created this route. |
UPDATE | This is a display-only field. Any time a route is added or edited the current system date will be written to the record. |
Route Table
Field | Description |
WPT | If you entered just a generic SID (i.e., if you did not specify the transition waypoint) then the first waypoint field will be filled with SID, and the AWY (Airway) field will be filled with MTTA. If you specified the transition waypoint, then this field will show the transition waypoint. If you have chosen a Departure Route, the Transition Waypoint will be displayed. If this field is left blank, meaning you did not select either a SID or a Departure Route, the cursor will be positioned on it, ready for your entry. Enter the identifier of the first waypoint on your route. For subsequent entries you may use the <?> Search function to determine the identifier of the next waypoint along the Airway. Alternatively, you may enter the waypoint at which the Airway next changes name, and the program will fill in all of the intermediate waypoints automatically. The track and distance between the previous waypoint and the one just entered will be displayed immediately below the waypoints table to enable you to ensure that you have selected the correct waypoint. The default value for Airway is the previous Airway designation.
AWY | Enter the Airway to the next waypoint on the route. If you want to have the program determine which Airway to use to the next waypoint, enter MTTA. If you are unsure of what Airways are available, you may enter <?> and use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the options. Only direct legs that are contained in the Direct Legs data file may be entered in a stored route. Exception to this rule: If there are no direct legs in the data file connected to this particular waypoint, then the program will assume that you want to go directly to the Destination.
Note: When entering the Destination, ensure that you use the four-letter ICAO designator because the program will assume that any three-letter entry is intended to indicate a waypoint. |
MIN MAX | Enter a minimum and maximum flight level at which the aircraft must be at this waypoint. This means that aircraft will be in descent from the previous waypoint to reach this waypoint at the new flight level. Note: Flight levels entered here are not restricted to direction of flight. Caution must be used when forcing a FL. |
Comments | Enter any applicable comments that you may want to have attached to this particular route. It is useful to indicate how the route was created (e.g., MTTA) so that this information will be available to the dispatcher when reviewing the Route Analysis results. |
Edit Mode
Enter the Identifiers for the Origin and Destination, and the route number that you want to edit. The route will be displayed, and you can proceed to edit it. Either <Ctrl>-X or the Backspace key can be used to clear (or partially clear) a field. Each line in the table (i.e., a waypoint and an airway) can be deleted using <Ctrl>-D, and new blank lines can be inserted in the table using <Ctrl>-I.
Delete Mode
Enter the Identifiers for the Origin and Destination, and the route number that you want to delete. It will be displayed, along with a Really DELETE? (Y/N) prompt. Enter <Y> to delete the route, or <N> if you change your mind and decide to keep it.
Video Mode
This mode will permit you to view one route at a time, and to scroll though the file by use of the up and down arrow keys.
Enter the Origin and Destination (ICAO or IATA codes), and the route number you want to view. Note: If there is such a route, it will be displayed, otherwise a Record Not Found - Press <Enter> for NEXT AVAILABLE prompt will be returned.
Pressing <Enter> will bring up the next record on file. Note: Route records are sorted first by Origin ICAO, sub-sorted by Destination ICAO, and then by route number.
Use the up and down arrow keys to view the Previous/Next record in the file.
Pressing <Enter> will clear the screen, and position the cursor in the Origin field for a new entry. Entering <Q> will clear the screen and return the cursor to the Command Line.
Screen Mode
This mode will permit you to generate a report of all routes on file for any range of city-pairs. You can specify a range for both Origin and Destination, so it is possible to obtain a report for just one specific city-pair, or for all routes that start (or end) at a specific Airport, or for all routes that go to or from a particular country. Simply enter the appropriate range of ICAO code for the Origin and Destination.
Field | Description |
AIRLINE CODE / (G)ENERIC / (A)LL | This field allows you to filter by the Airline Code. Options are Generic or All. |
ROUTE TYPE (D/N/B) | This field allows you to filter the report on the Disabled flag. Options are D, N, or B. Enter <D> to select Disabled routes Only. Enter <N> to report only routes that are not disabled. Enter <B> for both, to report all routes.
LONG or SHORT REPORT (L/S) | Indicate whether you prefer the long or short report format. |
PAGING ON (Y/N)? | If you want to have the report start a fresh page every time the departure airport changes, enter <Y>. This field will default to <N>. |
Hardcopy Mode
Hardcopy mode functions in the same manner as Screen mode, with the exception that the report is sent to the printer so you do not have the ability to terminate the report in mid-stream.
Quit Mode
Entering <Q> from the Command Line will return the Next PROGRAM-NUMBER prompt so that you have the option of going directly to your next program if you know the menu number, or of returning to the previous menu if you simply press <Enter>.
Modified SIDs and Stars - City Pair Routes
Routes that contain expanded SIDs and STARs are no longer disabled when that SID or STAR was changed, either by the user or AIRAC. If a SID or STAR has changed, the route is disabled only if the SID and STAR have profiled flight levels. Routes with no SID or STAR in the system, labeled S, that fly directly to or approach the airport are not disabled.
The FL field in FOMS 305 has been changed to DSP.
When DSP is set to <Y> the SID or STAR selected is shown in the expanded view. Also, waypoints removed from disabled routes still show in the expanded view. Refer to: SID/STAR DSP.
Example route

The first example shows the expanded SID and STAR because the DSP field is set to <Y>. If the SID or STAR were modified because a waypoint was added or deleted, this route would become disabled. It would be disabled because minimum and maximum flight levels are specified for portions of the route.
In the second example, the route would still be enabled if the SID or STAR are modified (as long as it's still valid) because it does not contain flight level restrictions in the SID or STAR portion of the route.
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.