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FOMS Menu 428 (MEL/CDL Codes - WebFOMS MEL/CDL Dictionary)

For an overview of the WebFOMS features see the Aircraft Characteristics screen. The features described there can be applied to all screens.


For instructions on how to make modifications on the WebFOMS screens, see Modify, View Aircraft Characteristics. It uses the Aircraft Characteristics as an example but can be applied to all WebFOMS screens.


Screen is the default view when you first go to a WebFOMS screen. When Screen is selected you can view all records that exist in the system. Select the arrow in the first field of the WebFOMS screen to access the drop-down menu to view the list of available records.

Only items that exist in the database are shown in the drop-down list.

FOMS 428


This program permits the creation and maintenance of a data file of Minimum Equipment List (MEL) and Configuration Deviation List (CDL) code numbers and their corresponding explanations and descriptions. The descriptions are limited to either 50 or 60 characters depending on the classification of the item: operational or non-operational respectively. The descriptions are not intended to be definitive; the objective is to make them detailed enough to alert Dispatchers to any restrictions that may affect Flight Planning. Up to 10 lines of comment may be added to each item to more fully describe it. These comments are attached to the Flight Plan and are available to the flight crew.

The modes available are:

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Delete

  • Video

  • Screen

  • Hardcopy

  • Quit

  • Copy




Aircraft type/series/engines

Enter to make MEL/CDL as specific as needed. The series and engine fields are no longer mandatory thus you can create a MEL or CDL and assign it to multiple aircraft with the same equipment type.


For multi ALC customers

MEL or CDL item (M/C)

Enter “M” (MEL) or “C” (CDL)

MEL or CDL item number

Enter number as per MEL equipment list.


  • If selected (checked), the code and description appears on the Flight Plan. 

  • If not deselected (not checked), information only appears in the info area of NFP’s plan screen. 

  • Default is deselected.

MEL or CDL Description

Items description.


For internal use only.

Reference code

Enter either M for MEL or C for CDL, along with the item number. This MEL or CDL item uses the same penalty as the MEL or CDL item entered in this field.


Enter the amount of units installed on the aircraft. This could be A/C packs numbers, or any other system component which can be partially inoperative.


Enter the amount of units required for dispatch.

Effect types

The effect type dictates which penalty to be applied to the Flight plan calculation. See list of effect types in this document.


Effect Type Code






APU duration for flight.



Calculates the fuel burn based on the value in the airline code parameters.


Increase Drift Down Weight

Weight unit (lbs/kgs)

Enter value in lbs or kgs

This value is added to the driftdown calculations

Generates a warning when Notify is set to Y in the MEL. The message can be added to the format via MEL format variables.


Increase Enroute Climb Weight

Weight unit (lbs/kgs)

Enter value in lbs or kgs

This value is added to the enroute climb calculations

Generates a warning when Notify is set to Y in the MEL. The message can be added to the format via MEL format variables.


ETOPS unavailable



Defaults immediately on UI


ETOPS time reduced by X minutes


Enter time in minutes

Defaults immediately on UI


ETOPS time set to X mins


Enter time in minutes

Sets the ETOPS time to a set value instead of a time reduction.


All fuel consumption percentage increase


Enter percent bias increase

Bias applied automatically during compute


Climb fuel consumption percentage increase


Enter percent bias increase

Bias applied automatically during compute


Cruise fuel consumption percentage increase


Enter percent bias increase

Bias applied automatically during compute


Descent fuel consumption percentage increase


Enter percent bias increase

Bias applied automatically during compute


Hold fuel consumption percentage increase


Enter percent bias increase

Bias applied automatically during compute


Maximum flight level restriction


Enter flight level in hundreds of feet

Restriction applied during route selection


Restricted to use specific cruise profile

Performance profile key weight unit (lbs/kgs)

Enter the performance profile key

Defaults immediately on UI.

Note: The series and engine type must be selected in order to choose a profile in the dropdown menu.


Maximum Mach speed allowed


Enter Mach speed

Post-compute check performed


Revenue operation unavailable (no payload)



Default maximum payload is ignored, then post-compute check is performed


Reduce maximum takeoff weight by X lbs/kgs

Weight unit (lbs/kgs)

Enter weight reduction amount

Post-compute check is performed


Reduce maximum landing weight by X lbs/kgs

Weight unit (lbs/kgs)

Enter weight reduction amount

Post-compute check is performed


Avoid icing PPI

Threshold for avoidance

0.0 - 2.0

NFP will avoid areas of icing for PPI value > FOMS 220/170 input based on light/medium/heavy category


RVSM flag set to NO



Applied during route generation, then post-compute check is performed


Time of day restrictions (night time not allowed)



Post-compute check is performed


Cat II/III not available (lower weather minimums)



Not currently supported


Flight route cannot be over high minimum enroute altitude



Not currently supported


Reduce Max uplift weight by X lbs/kgs 

Weight unit (lbs/kgs)

Numeric value in lbs/kgs



Enter amount of unusable fuel

Weight unit

lbs or kgs

Add a fixed amount of unusable fuel in flight calculations - treated similarly to ballast.


Add additional fuel to the MEL/CDL class

Weight unit

lbs or kgs 

Displays ADL fuel in the CONTG field on the fuel log


Reduce driftdown ceiling if OAT <= ISA

Flight Level

Enter flight level in hundreds of feet

Reduces the driftdown ceiling by the value set if the OAT <= ISA


Reduce driftdown ceiling if OAT > ISA

Flight Level

Enter flight level in hundreds of feet

Reduces the driftdown ceiling by the value set if the OAT > ISA


Amount of fixed tanker fuel

Weight unit

lbs or kgs

Enter the fixed fuel penalty to show in Tankering field


Remove code from ICAO item 10a

10a Equipment Code

Enter the equipment code to be removed.

Each 10a code requires its own IIA entry in the MEL.


Remove code from ICAO item 10b

10b Equipment Code

Enter the equipment code to be removed.

Each 10b code requires its own IIB entry in the MEL.


Add to ICAO item 18 remarks





BAF (Bias Above Flight Level) Mel Effect type in combination with the Operating Count field.


Enter percent

BAF allows you to enter a percentage penalty and the flight level above which the penalty applies. 

Example:  Apply a 2% fuel penalty above FL310.

Enhanced MEL Effect for ISA Penalties 

An effect in the MEL/CDL Dictionary is now available. It addresses a penalty that would reduce the driftdown ceiling if the outside air temperature (OAT) is above or below an offset of standard ISA.

This item was developed in response to MEL 30-21-01 on the Airbus 318/319/320/321 for Engine Anti-Ice Valves. 

Note: Consult your airline's MMEL for specific penalty requirements.

How to Apply the Effect

In the MEL/CDL Dictionary, a Key appears when using the effects DDB  (reduce driftdown ceiling if OAT <= ISA) and DDA (Reduce drift down ceiling if OAT > ISA).  

  • The Key allows you to set the ISA offset. 

  • If left blank, it defaults to 0. 

  • The ceiling is entered in hundreds of feet in the Value input field. 

Chart based on above image



Line 1

If the OAT is less than or equal to standard ISA (0) then the driftdown ceiling will decrease by 2,000ft.

Line 2

If the OAT is less than or equal to ISA + 5 degrees Celsius then the drift down ceiling will decrease by 600 ft.

Line 3

If the OAT is greater than ISA + 5 degrees Celsius then the drift down ceiling will decrease by 4,000ft.


Additional penalty value to be added per non-operating component(s). This must be used in conjunction with the ADL effect type. Value entered in this field will be multiplied by the difference between “installed” taken from FOMS 428 and “count” taken from FOMS 425.

Example: There are four units installed as per FOMS 428. When the MEL is assigned in FOMS 425 to the aircraft, the count is two. Difference between installed and count is = 2.

The value entered for the ADL effect type with Add field set to Y is 5000 lbs. This means that an additional 10,000 lbs will be added to the flight plan.

The MEL penalty which will be applied will show in NFP’s info/view screen prior to the flight plan computation.






Options are Y (yes) or N (no).

  • If set to Y, NFP will generate a warning when the penalty is applied.

Oper Cond

Enter the operational count for the MEL.

Note: Not all effect types impact the flight plan output. Based on the effect type(s) used, NFP will generate a warning or an error so that manual corrections can be applied to meet the MEL penalty requirements. 

Refer to FOMS 170 for the MEL Check parameter.

Effect Type -Unit

This applies to the unit of measurement used to calculate the penalty.

Options are:




Flight Level








Knots indicated


Mach number

Effect Type - Value

Enter a numerical value reflecting the effect type entered. 

Example: If Effect Type = MFL (flight level restriction) and Unit = FL, then Value = 250 would mean the flight level would be restricted to FL250.

Effect type – Handled 

Effect Type - Notify

  • If set to Y or checked, a warning describing the MEL limitation will be generated. 

  • If set to N, there will be no warning.

Effect type - Operational Condition

This is where the number of units/equipment is entered for the penalty to apply. If the value entered for CNT (op. count) in FOMS 425 or WebFOMS Screen is the same as the operating condition value entered in FOMS 428 for the MEL or CDL item, the penalty is applied.

Edit Mode

Enter the type, series, and engines of the aircraft, followed by the code number whose description/comments you want to edit.

Note: You cannot edit the MEL/CDL number itself. If an item is incorrectly numbered, you have to delete and re-add it with the correct number.


Delete Mode

Enter the Type, Series, and Engines of the aircraft, followed by the Code Number and M or C to indicate MEL or CDL. If no such record exists, then a Record Not Found - Press <Enter> for NEXT AVAILABLE prompt is issued, and pressing <Enter> brings up the next record in file alphabetically. Then, you can scroll through the data file record-by-record using the up and down arrow keys. If you reach the upper or lower limits of the file, you are returned to a Command Line prompt.

Video Mode

Video mode allows you to review one record at a time. Enter the type, series, and engines of the aircraft, followed by the MEL or CDL number and whether it’s a MEL or a CDL. If the record you are looking for is not on file, then a No Records on file for prompt appears.

Screen Mode

This mode differs from Video mode as it allows you to review more than one record at a time. First, enter the type, series, and engines of the aircraft for that you want a report.



Operational? (Y/N/A)

Indicate whether you want to report only Operational or Non-operational items, or All records. 

  • The default is All records.

Type of Codes (C/M/A)

Indicate whether you want MELsCDLs, or All reported. 

  • The default value is All.

Code Number From/To

Enter the range of numbers for which you want to have items reported. 

  • The default values are 000000 and ZZZZZZ respectively.

Comments? (Y/N)

Indicate whether you want comments to be included in the report or not. 

  • The default option is N.

Note: If you select a report containing both MELs and CDLs, all of the CDLs display first. A blank line inserts into the report whenever the first two digits of the code change, and to separate MELs from CDLs.

You may escape from the report at any time by entering <Q> to return to the Command Line.

Hardcopy Mode

The Hardcopy mode functions in the same manner as Screen mode, with the exception that the report is sent to the printer, hence you do not have the ability to terminate the report in midstream. Caution should be exercised in the selection of the range of items to be printed.

Quit Mode

Enter <Q> from the command line to exit the program. You then have the option:

Cumulative MEL/CDL Penalties

Fields in the FOMS 428 / WebFOMS MEL/CDL Dictionary and FOMS 425 / MEL CDL Assignments screen allow you to calculate cumulative MEL/CDL penalties. You can maintain a single penalty effect on a MEL or CDL code. To indicate that a penalty is cumulative a user must set the Is Value Per Non Operating Component to <Y> in the FOMS 428 menu or WebFOMS MEL/CDL Dictionary screen.


This FOMS 428 menu shows that Slat Bulb seals have an installed count of 76 and for each missing seal there is a 245 lbs DDW penalty.

The FOMS 425 menu displays that there are 40 Slat Club seals installed on the aircraft.

In this example (from the first screenshot), the Installed Count (76), Effect (DDW), Value Per Non Operating Component (Y), Weight (245), Unit (LBS) have been set in the FOMS 428 Menu. From the FOMS 425 menu there are 40 Slat Bulb seals installed on the aircraft. There are 36 seals missing (76 -40), so an enroute climb penalty is applied for each missing seal and DDW is increased by 8820lbs ( 36 * 245) .

This information displays in the Info panel on the Plan screen under the Acft tab.

Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with Dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.

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