Reclear Group
This topic covers the Reclear group on the Plan Screen. You will learn how each option in the group is used by the N-FP system. You will also see a demonstration of the Reclear/Redispatch functionality.
We estimate that this will take 5 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Plan Screen - Reclear Group
The Reclear Group contains the fields required for planning a "Reclear", "Refile", or "Redispatch" flight plan.
Click the Destination input field.
The reclear section is inactive, and mostly disabled, until a reclear destination is entered.
Enter SNN into the Destination field.
Click the Waypoint dropdown button.
Once a destination is entered, the system will automatically suggest a reclear alternate.
The system will also review the route of flight, and suggest a reclear waypoint based on the reclear destination.
Both of these suggested fields can be changed by the dispatcher.
Click the MALOT list item.
Click the Alternate green arrow button.
When the green information context arrows by the reclear destination or the reclear alternate are selected, a dialog box opens which allows a user to manually enter a reclear route path.
Routes in the standard route string format, as used in the N-FP Route Screen, will be accepted.
Click the Reclear >> button.
Click the Compute button.
Additional fields include:
Island Hold Checkbox
- Enabling Island Hold will add enough fuel for the aircraft to hold for two hours at top of descent flight level since no alternate airports are available.
MLW: Maximum Landing Weight
- This field allows you to enter the maximum landing weight of the aircraft for the reclear. By default the maximum structural landing weight from the Aircraft Characteristics Program is displayed.
Altn MLW: Alternate Maximum Landing Weight
- This field allows you to enter the maximum landing weight for the aircraft for the reclear alternate.
MFL: Maximum Flight Level
- This field allows you to enter the maximum flight level for the reclear flight.
Contgcy: Reclear Contingency Fuel
- This field allows you to specify an amount of contingency fuel to add for the sake of reclear.
Altn IFR: IFR Time/Fuel
- Enter the IFR fuel in minutes for airport approach. This field is populated from the Alternates menu.
- Enter the IFR fuel amount for airport approach. This field is populated from the Alternates menu.
- If both are set to 0 (default) there is no impact on the flight plan calculation.
Click the Map zoom button.
After the flight is computed with a reclear, the reclear route and reclear airports are able to be displayed on the Map.
Click the Flight button.
Click the Reclear check box.
Click the anywhere on the map image.
After the map layer is selected, click back on the map to close the menu and apply the layer.
Click the Map zoom button.
Zoom in to see the route more completely.