Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.
This program is used to view the detailed waypoints and fixes for both fixed track structures such as the North Pacific, or floating track structures such as the North Atlantic.
When the program is called, the screen will display an empty record, and a command line listing the various modes that may be selected.
The available modes are:
Add Mode
Structure ID: Enter the three-letter identifier of the Track Structure. The structure name will be displayed in the adjacent field.
Name: Enter the name of the specific track (i.e., NAT, PAC, AUS or NOR) If this is a floating structure, or if there are currently no tracks on file for a fixed structure, then the program will switch immediately to the Comments screen to allow you to enter altitude limits, valid time periods, and general comments.
Dir: Enter the direction of the track; eastbound <E> or westbound <W>.
Valid: Enter the month, day and Zulu time (MMDDHHMM) at which the track becomes valid.
To: Enter the month, day and Zulu time (MMDDHHMM) at which the track expires.
Crossing At: Enter the waypoint used to determine the time that the track is valid. This may be a waypoint, a latitude/longitude, or just a longitude. If you use a waypoint or a latitude/longitude, then that waypoint or position MUST be on the specified track.
Between: Enter the month, day and Zulu time (MMDDHHMM) to start the valid crossing time.
To: Enter the month, day and Zulu time (MMDDHHMM) to end the valid crossing time.
Waypoints/CC/T: Enter each of the waypoints that define the track. Country Codes and Types will be automatically filled in by the program where possible, otherwise you will be required to enter them. The <?> Search function is available where necessary. The first and last waypoints must be entered in standard waypoint notation even if they are latitude/longitude coordinates (e.g., 50N010W for 50N/10W) because these must be in the airways data file. All intermediate waypoints can be entered in short-hand notation, e.g., 50/10.
F/L: Enter the appropriate flight levels (up to 16 available), using 3 digits, e.g., 340 is FL340. The minimum acceptable value is 280, and the maximum 430. Levels must be entered in increasing order. The program will check that each entry is in fact greater than the previous one.
Entries: Enter the names of any Preferred Entries (up to four) specified in the Track message.
Exits: Enter the names of any Preferred Exits (up to four) specified in the Track message.
Apt: Enter any NERS (North Atlantic European Routing Scheme) special airports. This is applicable to NAT Tracks only.
Cmts: Enter any comments you wish to have on file that are specific to this particular track.
Edit Mode
Enter the Structure ID and Track Name for the track you wish to edit. The program will recall the data from disk and display it on screen. You may then edit any of the fields by using the up or down arrows to position the cursor in the desired field. Use <Ctrl>-E to escape to a confirmation prompt whenever you have completed your edits.
Delete Mode
Enter the Structure ID and the Track name. The program will recall the selected record, and will display a Really DELETE? prompt. A positive response will erase the record from the data file.
Video Mode
Enter the structure ID and Track name. The appropriate track record will be retrieved and displayed. Pressing the up or down arrows will enable you to view other track records, sequentially in alphabetical order by track name. You will be returned to a blank record in the Video mode if you pass the top or bottom limits of the record.
Comments Mode
Enter the track structure name. Enter Eastbound or Westbound tracks, <E> or <W>. Enter the minimum valid flight level. Enter the maximum valid flight level. Enter the month, date and time for the valid period. Enter the track structure comments.
Screen Mode
Enter the first and last names of the track structures you wish to view, e.g., if you want to review just the NAT tracks, enter NAT to NAT.
You can page through the display with the <Enter> key, or Quit at any time by entering <Q>.
Hardcopy Mode
Enter the first and last names of the track structures you wish to view. The default values are A to Z. The program will ask you to enter the number of copies you wish to have printed. Once this has been entered, the program requests confirmation of the information entered. Entering <Y> will send the requested report to a printer.
Quit Mode
Quitting from the command line will permit you to enter a menu number of the next program, or you may simply press <Enter>, and the last used menu will be recalled.