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Network and Format Tab (Airline Code Parameters)

This article describes the fields in the Network and Format Tab. This tab can be accessed through the Airline Code Parameters.

Network Settings

The following set of parameters impacts how messages and flight packages are sent and received using NFP. This includes all type B messages (SITA, ARINC, AFTN) and ACARS.

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SITA/ARINC/AFTN addresses and message priority

Enter the customer’s own SITA, ARINC, and AFTN addresses in the appropriate fields. Addresses entered will show as the originator for all outbound messages.

Note:  If you do not have your own, enter NAVBLUE’s address(es). Outbound messages will show NAVBLUE as the originators.

Priority of outgoing messages impact the cost of sending. The higher the priority, the faster the delivery.

  • The Priority options for SITA and ARINC = QUQNQD. The default priority is QN

  • The Priority options for AFTN = SSFFGG. The default priority is FF

ACARS Network

Enter the ACARS gateway network address. This is normally a SITA or ARINC address. 

Note: This address belongs to the provider responsible for transmitting your air/ground/air messages.


Enter the ACARS flight plan format number. Prior coordination with NAVBLUE account management is required to enable this.

Note: This parameter impacts all flights using the ACARS feature. For aircraft specific settings, go to FOMS 220 and fill in the appropriate fields.

ACARS Text Format

Enter the ACARS free text format number. Prior coordination with NAVBLUE account management is required to enable this.


Enter the 2 letter IATA Code for the airline you want billed for SITA reverse charging.


Options are All SITA or All ARINC

  • If set to All SITA, all SITA and ARINC outbound messages are sent using the SITA circuit. 

  • If set to All ARINC, all SITA and ARINC outbound messages are sent using the ARINC circuit.

  • If the field is blank, all SITA outbound messages are sent using the SITA circuit and all ARINC outbound messages are sent using the ARINC circuit

FIR Address Type

Options are AFTN and SITA

  • If set to SITA, NFP verifies that there is a valid SITA address for an FIR. If there is, it files the ICAO message via SITA instead of AFTN. 
    If set to AFTN, NFP files using AFTN as this is the default means for transmitting ICAO outbound messages. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as AFTN occurs.

FP Alias

Any alias from FOMS 585 entered in this field is added to the default addresses for flight package transmissions. 

Note: This impacts all flight package transmissions.

ATC Alias

Enter an alias from FOMS 585. 

Note: This alias is added to the default addresses for all ATC outbound messages.
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Flight Papers



Email Encoding

Options are TextPdf, or Both. This setting determines the default format(s) of any component of the flight package that is sent via email using an alias. If the field is blank, behavior is the same as Both.

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Track Overlap

Options are Yes, and No

  • If Yes is entered, the organized track report will only add to the flight papers if the route overlaps the tracks. 

  • If set to No, the organized track report will add to the flight papers regardless of whether the route overlaps the tracks or not.        

Track Direction

Options are Yes, and No

  • If Yes is entered, the organized track report will only add to the flight papers if the route travels in the same direction as the tracks. 

  • If set to No, the organized track report will add to the flight papers regardless of direction of flight.    

Track Validity as Warn

The option to select for a WARNING when using any of the OTS tracks beyond their validity time, is available. The warning will appear as “FE:1080:Warning: Invalid times for  track”. 

Note: It is located under the Flight Papers section of the Airline Code Parameters WebFOMS UI or the FOMS 170 menu. 

Show Wx/NOTAM Full Name

Options are Yes and No

  • If set to Yes, the flight package will display the full airport names in the weather/NOTAMS package.

Show Wx/NOTAM Runways

Options are FeetMeters, and No

  • If set to Feet, airport runways will be displayed in the weather/NOTAMS package in feet. 

  • If set to Meters, airport runways will be displayed in the weather/NOTAMS package in meters. 

  • If set to No, airport runways will not be displayed.


Enter a numerical value (normally 1).

Note: Value entered will determine the number of METARS per station that will be included in the weather/NOTAMS package.

TAF Count

Enter a numerical value (normally 1). 

Note: Value entered will determine the number of TAFS per station that will be included in the weather/NOTAMS package.

Show Emergency Stations

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, weather and NOTAM information for emergency stations (escape route stations) is included in the flight package. 

  • If set to No, emergency stations are not included.

  • If blank, default is the same as No.

Flight Package



Auto Weather Chart Buffer FL

Use this field to add charts from a range of available FLs to the Flight Package. 
Example: A value of 50 with a cruise level of FL390 automatically adds charts FL340,FL390 and FL420.

Auto Weather Chart Specific FL

Use this field to add a specific chart. 
Example: A value of 100 will automatically add a chart for FL100.

WxChart Buffer Time

This buffer allows you to decrease or extend the time range when auto-selecting weather charts to add to the flight package. A positive number adds more charts and a negative number adds less charts. 

Example: If the flight time was from 0900 to 1300, a buffer of 3 would extend the time range to 0600 to 1600.    

Send to Crew

Choose where to send the crew brief. Options:

  • No one

  • Everyone (all crew members)

  • Captains (all captains)

  • Pilot in Command (PIC)

  • Flight Deck (flight crew + other defined).    

Send Selected Compute

If set to Yes, the Most recent checkbox on the Send Flight Package dialog is de-selected by default.    

Sign on Release

This check box determines when the Dispatch Signature will be added to the Flight Plan. This allows greater control over release signatures and provides functions that support a more conservative view of the electronic signature. 

  • To maintain current functionality, where the signature is added upon successful computation, leave this box unchecked

  • Checking the box alters the configuration so that the signature is only associated when the dispatcher sends the flight papers. 

Note: Resending the flight papers will remove and replace the signature, thus sending of flight papers by a user without a Dispatch Rank will not add a signature, and will remove an existing signature without a replacement.

Flight Plan Format



Format Number

This two digit number represents the default flight plan format to be used for all flights, regardless of aircraft used.
Note: If the format fields (FMT) are left blank for an aircraft in FOMS 220 (aircraft characteristics), NFP uses the default number specified in FOMS 170 menu.

Show All Wpts

Options are Yes or No.

  • If set to Yes, all route waypoints will appear in the flight plan’s navigation log. 

  • If set to No, only compulsory waypoints will appear in the flight plan’s navigation log.

Restrict SID / Restrict STARS / Show All Approach

Options are Yes or No

  • If a flag is set to Yes, only the compulsory waypoints appear on the flight plans. 

  • If the flag is set to No, all waypoints appear on the flight plan. 

  • If either field is left blank, all waypoints are displayed on the flight plans for both SIDS or STARS.

Note: When set to No, flight plan length may increase.

Waypoints are considered compulsory when:

  • flagged as compulsory in the airways file

  • mark the end of a direct (DCT) leg

  • airway track changes greater than 5 degrees

  • TAS changes by more than 5% while in cruise

  • when a flight level change occurs at that waypoint

  • immediately after TOC (top of climb)

  • the last waypoint prior to TOD (top of descent).            

Show All Winds Levels

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, wind direction/speed/temp information displayed on the flight plan’s wind summary for 1UP and/or 2UP is provided, even if the optimal FL is the same as the aircraft’s MFL or the capped FL. 

  • If set to No, the optimal FL only is shown for 1UP and/or 2UP. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as No occurs.

Note: A format change may be required for this feature. Please contact your Account Manager.

UI Send Paper Etd Offsets

These fields allow NFP to send by default, messages based on ETD or ETA -/+ times.




Entries in this field are based on ETD –XXX where XXX = minutes.


You can add two entries in this field which are based on ETD – XXX where XXX = minutes. 

  • The first entry is for the 1st package and the second entry is for the 2nd package. Example below shows a delayed send time of ETD - 90 for the 1st package and ETD – 45 for the 2nd package.

  • The second entry becomes available after you have entered the first or you can use the green arrow that becomes available when you hover your mouse in the field.


You can add two entries in this field which are based on ETD – XXX where XXX = minutes. 

  • The first entry is for the 1st ACARS transmission and the second entry is for the 2nd ACARS transmission. Example below shows a delayed send time of ETD - 90 for the 1st ACARS transmission and ETD – 45 for the 2nd transmission.

  • The second entry becomes available after you have entered the first or you can use the green arrow that becomes available when you hover your mouse in the field.

Winter Season



Winter Season start/end date

These fields allow you to identify the start and end date of the winter season. 

  • If you override the default setting you must set it every year as the date will carry over from year to year. 

  • If a date is entered it will override the default winter season set in the N-FP system. 

The default winter season is from the last Sunday in October until the 3rd Sunday in March. 

Note: Seasons can be printed on the missing permit report or flight plans. Only winter/summer season are implemented and the dates are for information purposes only and do not affect any N-FP settings. The entered date will roll over the year (November to February) or can be in the same year (January to March).


The Expired Company NOTAMs drop down allows you to designate an alias address to receive Expired Company NOTAM reports.

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