Route Building - Advanced
This topic will be comprised of a step-by-step walkthrough showing how to build a practical route, including consideration of rules, the method of efficiency, and avoidance requirements. The Advanced Route walkthrough will show functionality required for international operations in permit specific areas, and utilizing avoidance.
We estimate that this will take 10 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Advanced Route Building
This module describes a few more advanced route building options, including:
- Utilization of Track Structures
- Utilization of Radials in Route Strings
- Utilization of Permit Routings.
Track Structures
This module demonstrates the methods for manually joining a Track, and the methods for automatically generating Track Routes.
These methods apply to NAT, PAC, and AUS routes.
Right-click the Layers image.
With the "Tracks" layer displayed, a right click will provide information on the selected track.
Click the NAT V list item.
Click the Route menu item.
N-FP offers functionality to easily join Tracks via the Route Builder.
Click the New button.
Click the Use Tracks check box.
Click the Track dropdown button.
Click the NAT list item.
Click the second Track dropdown button.
Click the T dropdown button.
Click the Generate button.
Click the Apply button.
Click the Compute button.
Click the Map expansion arrow button.
Expand the map to view the route on the Track.
Click the Flight button.
Click the Route list item.
Click the Map compression arrow button.
Click the Clear button.
We will now transition to the method for automatic Track Routes. Clear this flight to begin.
Click the Maintenance menu item.
Click the City-Pair Routes tab.
Click the Add button.
Click the Origin input field.
N-Flight Planning can automatically generate a list of optimized, track compliant, routings by adding a single Track Route for each desired city-pair.
Enter DTW into the Origin field.
Click the Destination input field.
Enter EBBR into the Destination field.
Click the Warning/Error if ETP not used check box.
Click the Track dropdown button.
Click the NAT list item.
Click the Page down arrow button.
Click the Depart Via dropdown button.
Click the Dynamic Direct list item.
Selecting "Dynamic Direct" before and after the Track will tell the system to optimize the route around the track structure.
When this is the only direction given, N-FP will generate routes for all practical tracks. These routes will display in the main Route Analysis when a flight is created.
Click the Arrive Via dropdown button.
Click the Dynamic Direct list item.
Click the Save button.
Click the Flight input field.
Enter T102 into the Flight field.
Click the Origin input field.
Enter DTW into the Origin field.
Click the STD input field.
Enter EBBR into the Dest field.
Click the Aircraft input field.
Click the Add Flight button.
Click the NAT-W: 102% list item.
Note the system automatically generated optimized routes which link with each of these tracks.
Click the Compute button.
Permit Routes
This part of the module will review the route specific portions of permit entry, and how that information interacts with Dynamic Routing.
Click the Maintenance menu item.
Note: that this flight requires overflight and landing permissions.
Open Maintenance to update the permit information.
Click the Permit List tab.
Click the Honduras check box.
Click the Expand button.
Click the HONDURAS list item.
Click the Entry input field.
Enter BTO into the Entry field.
Click the Exit input field.
You can enter a specific ENTRY/EXIT point, a list of points, or, in the field below, a full Route Pat.
Click the Save Changes image.
Note that the FIR and Type of the waypoint are automatically added. If known in advance, this information can be typed to specify which waypoint is to be used.
We will not enter an Exit point for this example.
Click the Clear button.
Click the Route menu item.
Click the New button.
Click the Generate button.
The "Check Permits" option causes the MTTA to conform to available permit information.
Click the Page up arrow button.
The new route conforms to the permit requirements, with the BTO entry here.
Click the Apply & Compute button.
Click the Flight Plan page down arrow button.
Note: that the permit specific routing information is displayed with the country and permit number.
Click "Honduras" to end this section.
Radial Routes
This section of the module will review the application of Radial Routes.
N-FP recognizes Radials as a type of direct leg based off of an established navigational aid.
Click the Route menu item.
Click the CMP (MAN) list item.
Click the Page down arrow button.
Click the BTO+MH+V list item.
Click the MPTO list item while keeping the
key pressed.
Click the Page up arrow button.
Click the Edit button.
Click the START WPT input field.
The Radials are entered as a degree value from the navigational aid. Waypoint + degrees, i.e. BTO180 meaning 180 degrees off of the BTO VOR.
Enter BTO180 ANGEL MTTA into the START WPT field.
Click the Generate button.
Note that the new, blue, route deviates from the planned route with the direct heading 180 from BTO.
Click the Apply & Compute button.
Note: the direct leg shows the Radial name.
Click the Plan menu item.