ATC Remarks
In this topic, we will provide an overview of the ATC remarks, and how the ATC Strip can be edited prior to sending.
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Detailed Explanation
Updating the ATC Message
There are two ways to update the ATCs:
1. From the Plan screen, there is a tab for ATC Remarks: 2. From the Reports screen, you can edit the ATC message before you send to ARTCC:
Click the ATC Remarks tab.
You can add ATC Remarks from the Plan screen using the text box at the bottom.
Click the Blank ATC Remarks input field.
The tab that is active will have a green line above it.
Enter NONRVSM into the Blank ATC Remark field.
In this example, we will will indicate our aircraft is now NONRVSM for this flight. This remark will show in Line 18 on ATC message.
Click the Compute button.
Once you have finished your flight plan, you may select Compute.
Click the Send to ATC button.
Once the flight is computed, you may send to ATC. However, we need to make an adjustment to our flight strip before we send it out.
Click the Details hyperlink.
Clicking Details will bring up a text box with the ATC message you can edit before sending.
If you do not need to make changes or put the message in a queue, you can select Confirm, which will end the message to ATC as shown in the box below.
Click the Message input field.
From here you can edit the recipients, type of file, message and when the message should be sent.
Press the key.
In this example, we need to remove the equipment code W to signify we are non RVSM.
You can also edit the altitude, remarks, or any other section of the message before sending out.
This is helpful for changes that are not permanent or received after a flight has been computed.