This program is used to maintain the alias database. Aliases can be used for all types of addresses, including email. The address alias program will permit you to update information that is on file for each alias in the data file. When the program is selected the input screen will be filled with a blank record and Command Line.
The modes available are:
Add Mode
Edit Mode
This function allows you to modify an existing alias. Enter the name of the alias, and the associated addresses will be displayed allowing you to add, edit, or delete addresses as you want.
You may use <Ctrl>-E to escape to a confirmation prompt Information OK? (Y/N/Q) when you are done. Responding <Y> will save the updated record. Responding <N> will return the cursor to the first address for further editing. Responding <Q> will discard your changes and leave the record unchanged.
Delete Mode
This function allows you to delete an alias from the alias database. This will remove the alias and all of its associated addresses from the file.
Note: If all you want to do is delete an address from a particular alias, use Edit mode.
Video Mode
Video mode allows you to view one alias and all of its associated addresses at a time. Use the up and down arrows to step through the alias database. Press <Enter> or <Q> to quit.
Screen Mode
The input screen for Screen mode allows you to produce an alias report for a range of aliases sorted in alphabetic order by alias type.
The default aliases are A to ZZZZZZZ.
The default types are A to ZZ.
The standard alias types are <SI>, <AR>, <AF>, <EM>, <FX>, <UR> and <AL>.
Hardcopy Mode
This mode functions in the same manner as the Screen mode, except that the report is directed to the system printer.
Quit Mode
Enter <Q> from the command line to exit the program. You will then have the option of entering the next program menu number directly, or defaulting to the last used menu screen.
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.