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FOMS Menu 380 (User Restricted Regions Program)

FOMS Screen 380 (User Restricted Regions Program) is a program that allows the user to define a restricted region of airspace.

The modes available are:

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Copy

  • Delete

  • Video

  • Screen

  • Hardcopy

  • Quit

Add Mode




Enter an identifier for the user-defined restricted region.


Enter the type of restriction for the region. Options are:

  • Alert <A>, 

  • Caution <C>, 

  • Danger <D>, 

  • Military <M>, 

  • Prohibited <P>,

  • Restricted <R>, 

  • Training <T>, 

  • Warning <W>,

  • or Unknown <U>.

Flight Level Range

Enter the lower and upper flight levels for the restricted region.

Active From

Enter the date and time that the restriction is active from.

Active To

Enter the date and time that the restriction is active to.

Active Days

Enter the day of the week that the restricted area is active.

Active Time

Enter the time range that the restricted area is active.


Enter up to 6 different FIN or Registrations that apply to the restricted area. You can enter a FIN and an Equipment type for an FIR.

Aircraft Equip

Enter the equipment type that applies to the restricted area.

Circle or Boundary

Enter whether the region is to be defined by a circle <C> or boundary <B>.


If a circle is selected to define the region:

  1. Enter a position, waypoint or airport ICAO to define the center of the circle. 

  2. Next, enter a radius distance in NM for the center point to describe the circumference of the restricted region.


If a boundary is selected to define the region, enter positions, waypoints and/or airport ICAOs to define the boundary of the area. 

NOTE: LAT/LONGS are to be entered as either 7, 11, or 13 characters. Example: 60141N092592W. The format is XXXXX(N/S)YYYYYY(E/W).


The user’s initials are automatically populated. The current date will update when the file is saved.

Edit Mode

To edit a region:

  1. Enter <E> from the Command Line.

  2. Then, enter the identifier of the region. 

  3. The airport data will be displayed and you may use the <Enter> key to step to the fields that you want to edit. To edit a field you may use the backspace key to remove individual characters, or <Ctrl X> to erase the field completely.

  4. Once you have made all the required changes, you may exit to a confirmation prompt by moving the cursor beyond the last field, or by pressing <Ctrl E>. 

  5. If you are satisfied with the changes you have made, you may save the edited record to disk by responding <Y> to the confirmation prompt. Responding <N> will reposition the cursor on the screen so that you can make further changes. If you prefer to abandon your edits and leave the record unchanged, you may do so by responding <Q>.

Copy Mode

Copy mode allows you to copy an existing user defined restricted area. Enter copy mode and enter a restricted area in the database. Once entered, confirm that you want to copy the area. Enter or edit any criteria you want to change and give it a new identifier.  

Delete Mode

To delete a curfew user-defined region, enter <D> from the Command Line, then enter the identifier for the region. The airport data will be displayed. Confirm that you want to delete the region by entering <Y>, or enter <N> to quit without deleting the region.

Video Mode

You may review the user-defined regions on file by selecting Video mode from the command line, then entering the identifier for the region. If a corresponding region is on file, then the information will be displayed to screen, otherwise a Record Not Found - Press <Enter> for NEXT AVAILABLE error message will be returned. Pressing <Enter> will display the next region on file. You may then scroll through the list by using the up and down arrow keys. Pressing <Enter> again will clear the display, leaving the cursor in the identifier field for a new entry. Enter <Q> while in Video mode to clear the display and return you to the Command Line.

Screen Mode

When Screen mode is selected, the screen will change to the Report Selector screen, with the cursor positioned on the initial format selection field.



ID From

Enter the identifier of the first region you want to see reported.


Enter the identifier of the last region you want to have reported.

Hardcopy Mode

Hardcopy mode functions in the same manner as Screen mode, with the exception that the report is sent to the printer and that hence you do not have the ability to terminate the report in mid-stream.

Quit Mode

Entering <Q> from the Command Line will return the Next PROGRAM-NUMBER prompt so that you have the option of going directly to your next program if you know the menu number, or of returning to the previous menu if you simply press <Enter>.

Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.

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