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Enroute Stations Tab (Airline Code Parameters)

Mora/Oxygen Escape Routes



Check Cruise MORA / Check Alt Cruise MORA

Options are Warning or Ignore, or Error

  • If set to Warning, NFP generates a warning informing you that a leg segment(s) is below MORA (minimum off route altitude). A warning is generated for the origin - destination and alternate routes. 

  • If set to Ignore, NFP does not generate any warnings. 

  • If set to Error, NFP aborts a compute if a leg segment is below MORA. If blank, the same behavior as No check occurs.

Driftdown Method

Options are BlankOffWeight reduceEscape Routes, and Automatic

  • If set to Off, NFP does not provide any escape routes. 

  • If set to Weight Reduce, NFP penalizes aircraft weight to meet MORA requirements (Method 1). 

  • If set to Escape Routes, NFP generates escape routes (O2 or drift down – Method 2) if MORA value is higher than 10,000 feet along the route of flight. 

  • If set to Automatic, NFP generates escape routes; if unable to do so safely NFP reduces aircraft weight as per Method 1.

Check Driftdown

Options are Yes (toggled) or No (not-toggled)

  • If set to Yes, NFP checks MORA for all routes including alternates and reclear, but not takeoff alternate. 

  • If set to No, NFP only checks MORA for the main route.

Check Talt (TKOF ALTN) Driftdown

Options are BlankWarningIgnore or Error

  • If set to Warning, NFP provides MORA checking for the takeoff alternate route and warns if the route goes below MORA. 

  • If set to Ignore, NFP does not provide this check. 

  • If set to Error, NFP aborts a compute if the takeoff alternate route goes below MORA. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as No check occurs

Note: Keep in mind that alternate routes are computed using 1EO performance.

Error on Driftdown

Options are Yes (toggled) or No (not-toggled)

  • If set to Yes, NFP aborts a compute if the driftdown method, MORA or Escape Route check fails. 

  • If set to No, NFP only provides a warning.

Driftdown Engines

Options are 1EO (one engine out), OffHalf (half engines). 

  • If set to 1EO, NFP generates drift down escape routes based on one engine out performance. 

  • If set to Off, NFP does not generate any drift down escape routes. 

  • If set to Half, NFP generates drift down escape routes based on the number of engines divided by 2. For 3 engine aircraft, H = 2 engines out. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as Off occurs.

Driftdown Rule

Options are BlankStandard and FAA.

  • The Standard terrain clearance option, whether using Weight Reduction or Escape Routes for driftdown, ensures a terrain clearance of 1000ft when MORA is below 5000ft, and 2000ft when MORA is at or above 5000ft.

  • The FAA terrain clearance option ensures terrain clearance of 1000ft for Weight Reduction and 2000ft for Escape Routes, regardless of MORA.

Escape Use Awy Min

Options are Yes (toggled) or No (not-toggled)

  • If set to Yes, NFP ensures that the escape routes generated for oxygen and drift down respect airway minimum flight levels as per FOMS 341. 

  • If set to No, NFP generates escape routes which respect MORA values instead of airway minimum flight levels. 

Escape Use STAR Min

Options are Yes (toggled) or No (not-toggled). Use STAR minimums when building escape routes.

Oxygen Check All

Options are Yes (toggled) or No (not-toggled)

  • If set to Yes, NFP verifies whether oxygen escape routes should be generated for all routes including alternate route(s), reclear route, and takeoff alternate route. 

  • If set to No, NFP does not verify whether escape routes are required. 

DCT Escape Routes

Generates DCT escape routes in compute.

Calculate Escape Route Route Burn

Calculate escape routes burn.

Escape Route Hold Time

Set specific hold time at the escape route airport in minutes.

Use Worse Case True Alt

Use ISA -20 when converting escape route endurance table pressure altitude to true altitude.

Ensure Coverage

Require escape route coverage for entire route, otherwise report partial results

Ensure Forward Direction

Preferred escape routes in the forward direction (may result in longer routes). Options are No BiasHigh Bias, and Low Bias.

Split Distance

Partition route legs by this distance when searching for escape routes (may affect compute times).



Default Policy

This field refers to your default ETP policy. 

  • If the ETP field in Aircraft Characteristics is blank, NFP uses this value as the default. 

Note: ETP calculations and information on all OFPs (regardless of aircraft), are based on this default policy (and populated scenarios, i.e 1EO DEPRESS, 1EO DD. 

  • If this field is left blank in FOMS 170, NFP looks at the default ETP policy in the customer’s main parameter file (contact Support for more info).

Critical Burn

Options are Total (total burn = from origin to ETP point to ETP alternate) or Point to Stn (station / AD) Only (burn = from ETP point to ETP alternate) or As specified in format (Company Policy based on Operations Manual).

Show Only Critical

Choose to only display the critical ETP scenarios on the NFP (GUI) Map – Yes or No.

Note: This impacts what is displayed as being the most critical on the flight plan if your format is configured to only show the most critical scenario(s).

Auto Add Required

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP automatically adds extra fuel for ETP requirements. 

  • If set to No, NFP does not.

  • If blank, the same behavior as Yes occurs.

Note:  Caution should be used if fuel block does not display a separate ETP fuel value on the flight plan, as the extra fuel required for ETPs blend in with other fuels considered as EXTRA

Default Ice Protection

Options are YesNo, and Automatic

  • If set to Yes, ETP station fields are blue by default. This means that any icing penalties associated with the ETP policy assigned to the aircraft are included in ETP fuel totals.

  • If set to No, ETP station fields will be white. Icing penalties will not be included in ETP fuel totals.

  • If set to Automatic , ETP station fields will be green by default. Icing penalties will only be applied if there is an area of icing impacting the flight between ETP point and ETP alternates.

Note: Icing areas have a max flight level of FL280.

Allow Burn of Additional

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP allows the ETP calculation to burn any additional fuel to meet ETP fuel requirements. 

  • If set to No, NFP will abort compute and generate an error message if additional fuel is required. You must manually add ETP fuel to continue.

Allow Burn of Ballast 

Options are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, NFP allows the ETP calculation to burn any ballast fuel to meet ETP fuel requirements. 

  • If set to No, NFP does not consider ballast fuel.

Allow Burn of Tanker

Options are YesNo, or Relocate

  • If set to Yes, NFP allows the ETP calculation to burn tanker fuel to meet the ETP fuel requirements. 

  • If set to No, NFP will not consider tanker fuel. 

  • If set to Relocate, NFP moves the amount of required tanker fuel to complete the ETP diversion to ETP additional and reduces the tanker fuel by exactly that amount. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as No occurs.



Default ETOPS

Options are YesNo2 engines only3 engines only4 engines only

  • If set to YesShow All EEP/EXP and Force Re-default ETOPS fields are enabled. To disable this feature, set the flag to No

  • If 2,3,4 engines only are selected, this feature only works for aircraft with that number of engines. 

Note: NFP uses the aircraft’s ETOPS time, TAS, or distance entries from aircraft characteristics (FOMS 220) to calculate valid ETOPS stations.

ETOPS Recommendation

Treatment of ETOPS recommendation. Options are Error and Warning

  • If Error is entered, NFP generates a compute error if the route is not ETOPS compliant. 

  • If Warning is entered, NFP generates a warning if the route is not ETOPS compliant.

ETOPS Beyond 180 Warn

Treatment of ETOPS Beyond 180 minutes warning. Options are Error or Warning (TLS or CFSS). This setting controls whether a Warning or Error appears in situations where the diversion time exceeds the TLS/CFSS time.

Show all EEP/EXP

This option is only available if Yes is entered in the Default ETOPS (see above) field. 

Options for this field are Yes or No

  • If set to Yes, all EEP/EXP circles are displayed on the NFP map. 

  • If set to No, EEP/EXP circles are not displayed on the map.

Force Default ETOPS

This option is only available if Yes is entered in the Default ETOPS (see above) field. Options for this field are Yes and No (toggle). 

  • If set to Yes, the ETOPS alternates re-default when the aircraft or route is changed. 

  • If set to N, the ETOPS alternates previously selected do not re-default when an aircraft or route is changed, even if existing inputs are valid.

When a route is selected, NFP attempts to find suitable stations within the configured EEP/EXP time frame (typically 60 minutes) that covers all positions along the route. If at any point along the route of flight a suitable station cannot be found within the EEP/EXP time, the system starts using the ETOPS time/distance to cover the applicable portions.

Once suitable stations within the EEP/EXP time are found again, the route continues to use them until such time an ETOPS station is required again. This ensures that the flight minimizes the regions which are bound by ETOPS regulations.

Selection criteria for ETOPS and EEP/EXP stations

Note: Airport suitability (FOMS 122) is the primary factor involved in determining which stations are suitable for the planned ETOPS aircraft.

The following verifications are applied when considering auto ETOPS/EEP/EXP stations to ensure that proper stations are selected:

  1. Minimum runway length, configured in FOMS 220 – looks at Longest Runway taken from the Airports database (FOMS 105).

  2. Required runway surface code, configured in FOMS 220 – looks at Runway Surface field in FOMS 105 menu ACN/PCN validity, configured in FOMS 220 and FOMS 105 menus.

  3. The airport suitability database (FOMS 122 menu).

Note: The first three items work independently. If any check results in the station being unsuitable, the station(s) are not considered.

The Airport Suitability database (FOMS 122) overrides all other search criteria and considerations because it offers the greatest control to you, however, it is also the most time consuming option available for setup.

The combination of the first three criteria is normally more than adequate to get the desired results. Using these criteria ensures your planned ETOPS aircraft complies with strict regulations as it pertains to selecting the suitable stations for ETOPS and EEP/EXP planning.

Selection criteria override – FOMS 115 menu (City pair en route stations)

If you require stricter control over what stations are used for EEP/EXP points and ETOPS based on specific routes/city-pairs, stations can be inputted in their FOMS 115 menu. This will override any auto-ETOPS selection.

Note: You can also modify the ETOPS and/or EEP/EXP stations from the appropriate boxes on the NFP plan screen. NFP uses those for the calculation.


Options are blank- ETOPS not required in ETP pairs, 2 - Min 2 ETOPS EEP/EXP stn must also be ETOPS, 1 - Min 1 ETOPS EEP/EXP stn decision pt (DP) at EEP/EXP, T - Min 2 ETOPS EEP/EXP stn do not also need to be ETOPS.

  • If set to blank, the same behavior as No occurs.

  • If 2 is selected, a minimum of 2 ETOPS stations are required if ETOPS Required set to YES.

  • If 1 is selected, you can choose ETOPS  to point at the EEP and EXP points. The critical fuel scenarios will be at these points rather than the ETP point.

  • If T is selected, you it will provide similar results as 2, for a minimum of 2 ETOPs stations, where the EEP/EXP stations do not need to be ETOPs.  This allows users with the  FORCE RE-DEFAULT ETOPS option deselected, to prevent a re-default back to the original ETOPs stations if they are revised, and a routing change is made as well.

  • If set to No, the ETOPS alternates will have to be manually entered. The To ETP button is available. If pressed, ETP pairs are created based on the ETOPS stations entered. 

  • If set to blank, ETP pairs are automatically created based on the ETOPS stations which are automatically selected by NFP. The To ETP button as shown below is grayed out.

Eep/Exp Minutes – ETOPS entry and exit point circles

  • If the field is blank, NFP defaults EEP/EXP circles to 60 minutes. 

  • If another value is entered in minutes, the circle radius will expand accordingly based on aircraft’s ETOPS TAS per hour entered in aircraft characteristics (FOMS 220).

Required ETP between EEP/EXP

Options are Y - YesN - NoE - Error, and Blank. 

  • If set to Yes or Error, the system on compute checks if an ETP occurs prior to the first ETOPS entry point (EEP) and/or if the ETP point occurs after the last ETOPS exit point (EXP). 

  • If set to only Yes, a warning message is displayed whereas, if set to Error, the compute stops and an error message is displayed.

Check ETP within ETOPS limit / ETOPS ETP limit check type

These two values work in tandem to determine if a warning is issued when the ETP time and/or distance exceeds the ETOPS time and/or distance. Choose either a Y - Yes, N - No or E - Error message, based on DistanceTime or Both respectively. (Note: only available if Check ETO within ETOPS limit is set to Yes)

(Note: only available if Check ETP within ETOPS limit is set to Yes).

Minimize ETOPS Time / Distance

Minimize ETOPS Time / Distance (toggle).

APU Burn ETOPS only

Used for calculating APU Burn for ETOPS only (between EEP/ EXP) (toggle).



Calculate Validity (Diversion Window)

Options are:

NoneETP onlyETOPS onlyETP and ETOPS

  • If the first field is set to None, NFP does not calculate any validity window information. 

  • If set to ETP only or ETOPS only, NFP calculates a validity window for ETP or ETOPS alternates only. The system will use ETP information if both edges of an ETP pair are ETOPS stations. 

  • If set to ETP and ETOPS, NFP calculates a validity window for both ETP and ETOPS alternates.

Start Buffer

Is for the diversion window start time. Value to be entered is in minutes prior to ETD ( if 60 is entered, this equals -60 minutes).

End Buffer

Is for diversion window end time. Values are entered as minutes after ETA (if 60 is entered, this equals +60 minutes). If blank, the same behavior as None occurs.

Note: The flight plan format(s) must show validity windows for this to work. If not, contact support and coordinate a format change.

When checked, the system automatically selects an EU Ops ERA as default (toggle).

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