Inflight Revision
This topic will provide a step-by-step walk-through of the inflight functions, and the best practices for quick execution of a revision.
We estimate that this will take 7 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Inflight Revisions
This module demonstrates the methods for completing an inflight revision with N-Flight Planning.
Inflight Revisions can be used for many purposes. In this module, we will review a simple inflight recalculation with no changes to the flight. This can be used to provide burn figures for updated winds or to provide an updated calculation for actual fuel figures enroute.
We will review the process for an inflight calcuation with flight plan changes, in this example a diversion to a new airport.
In each case, the demonstration assumes the flight has already been successfully released. For basic flight planning actions, please review the Plan Screen functionality modules.
Inflight functionality in the presence of a Reclear is covered in another module.
Click the Progress menu item.
After departure time, the N-Flight Planning system will estimate the progress of the flight via the Progress Screen. The Progress Screen can be updated with position report information manually by the user or automatically from the aircraft via ACARS integration.
Click the Plan menu item.
Planned information comes from the flight plan.
Actual information can be entered manually or ingested automatically via ACARS.
We will use waypoint KP15A for this inflight calculation.
Click the Flight Info Waypoint green arrow button.
Click the Inflight list item.
Click the Waypoint dropdown button.
Waypoints from the planned route can be selected from the drop down list.
Ad hoc waypoints can be typed into the Waypoint field.
Click the KP15A list item.
Click the FOB input field.
After a waypoint is selected, the system will automatically populate the "Expected" Flight Level, Time, Fuel on Board, and Actual Zero Fuel Weight for that waypoint.
We will update this waypoint with an "Actual" fuel value and recompute.
Enter 30500 into the FOB field.
Click the Compute button.
The updated fuel block information can now be communicated to the crew as necessary.
Inflight Revisions
We will now accomplish an inflight revision for diversion purposes.
Click the Waypoint green arrow button.
Click the Inflight list item.
Click the Waypoint dropdown button.
Click the KP06K list item.
Click the Dest input field.
When the destination remains the same, the system will keep the originally planned route of flight.
Enter ord into the Dest field.
If the destination is changed, a new route will have to be generated.
Click the FOB input field.
We will update the fuel on board, in addition to changing the destination.
Enter 21500 into the FOB field.
Click the Route menu item.
After the destination is updated, the route group shows that there are no available routes for this flight plan.
Click the New button.
Click the Generate button.
First, we will generate a route using the MTTA functionality.
Click the New button.
Click the REV WPT input field.
We will generate a second route, using "MTT" functionality which will allow for a more direct, non-airway, route.
Press the
Click the Generate button.
Click the Apply button.
Click the Compute button.
This updated fuel and routing information can be sent to the crew as necessary.