The purpose of this program is to allow the user to view all of the waypoints that are linked by airways or direct legs to a selected waypoint. This enables the user to determine which airways use the particular waypoint and what direct legs have been established.

The available modes are:
Video Mode
Field | Description |
AIRAC Cycle | Choose the AIRAC Cycle to use, see AIRAC Cycle for more information. |
Waypoint ID | Enter the waypoint identification code for the key waypoint for which you want to view the airway links. If there is no ambiguity, the country code and type fields will be filled automatically, otherwise the cursor will be positioned in the appropriate field and you will be prompted for input. The <?> Search function can be used to assist in the selection. Once you have selected a waypoint, the latitude/longitude coordinates will be displayed, and the table will be filled with all of the waypoints so that the selected waypoint is connected. |
The information displayed is as follows:
Field | Description |
Waypoint | Identification, country code, and type for each listed waypoint. |
AWY Name | The name of the airway joining the selected key waypoint to the listed waypoint. |
Seq | System sequence number. This information is used by the program to ensure data integrity. V: Enter whether it is a Usable Pair; is the DIRECT leg connection one way, or bidirectional. Options are Yes (Y), No (N), or Blank. Y is usable pair, i.e., BOS DCT ACK N is not a usable pair, i.e., ACK to BOS Blank indicates bidirectional.
Note: This FOMS menu has EDIT capability but should be restricted to only FP Data. This menu is for informative purposes only; perform EDITING in FOMS 342. |
Altitude Min/Max | The altitude limits associated with this particular Airway link. |
G/C Trk/Dis | Great Circle Initial True Track angle and distance in nautical miles from the selected key waypoint to the listed waypoint. |
Awy Typ | The airway type; <R> for RNAV. |
Origin/Destination E U C H | S (Service) <D> for Advisory <F> for Flight E (Type) <V> for VHF <N> for NDB <E> for Enroute <R> for Nonessential U (Uncharted) <U> for Uncharted Blank for Charted C (Compulsory) <C> for Compulsory Blank for Non-compulsory H (Holding) <H> for Designated holding point Blank for Not a designated holding point J (Join) <J> for Joining permitted <L> for Leaving permitted <N> for Join/Leave not permitted
The up and down arrow keys can be used to select the next waypoint in the file. If the links for a given waypoint fill more than one page, then the <Ctrl>-F and <Ctrl>-B functions can be used to select pages for viewing. Pressing <Enter> will clear the screen and permit you to select another waypoint. Entering <Q> will clear the screen and return you to a Command Line prompt.
Note: Waypoints appear in the table in the order in that they were originally added to the file. They are not sorted alphabetically in any way.

Quit Mode
Entering <Q> at the initial command line will return a prompt line which will allow you to enter the program number you wish, or by pressing <Enter>, to return to the last used menu screen.
The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.