The Aircraft Characteristics menu has a corresponding web interface. Refer to WebFOMS Aircraft Characteristics Menu for more information.
This data file is for the storage of information on each aircraft in the airline’s fleet. An aircraft record must be entered in the file before a flight can be run using that aircraft. Given only the airline’s identification number (or letters) for a particular aircraft (sometimes referred to as FIN, tail, wheel, hull or airframe number), other programs in the system can access this data file, and obtain information such as aircraft type, operating weights, SELCAL code, and fuel consumption deviations.
When the program is selected, the screen will be filled with a blank record and Command Line.
The modes available are:
*For Add mode, see FOMS Menu 220 (Aircraft Characteristics Program) - Add Mode.
Edit Mode
If you want to amend a record:
Select Edit mode from the command line, and enter either the aircraft ID, or registration, for the aircraft whose information you want to edit.
The record for that aircraft will display, with the cursor on the aircraft type field.
You may then press <Enter> to move the cursor to the desired field.
To change any entry, you may use the backspace key to replace one character at a time, or you may use <Ctrl>-X to erase the field for a new entry.
Delete Mode
Use this mode only if you want to remove the entire aircraft record from the file (e.g., if the aircraft has been sold or scrapped.) Enter the aircraft ID or Registration. The record will be display, along with a Really DELETE? (Y/N) prompt.
Note: You will not be able to delete an aircraft that has an outstanding MEL item against it; a Usage report will be printed indicating what must be deleted from other files before the aircraft can be removed from the system.
Video Mode
Video mode will enable you to view a single Aircraft Characteristics record at a time, and to step through the data file alphabetically (by Aircraft ID) by using the up and down arrow keys. If the ID you enter cannot be found, a Record Not Found, Press Enter for Next in File message appears. You may return to a blank screen with the cursor positioned in the Aircraft ID field by pressing <Enter>. To exit to a Command Line prompt, enter <Q>.
Use <UP/DOWN ARROWS> for previous and/or next aircraft.
Use CTRL -F (Forward) / CTRL -B (Backwards) for other/additional screens related to the specific aircraft.
Screen Mode
Hardcopy Mode
Hardcopy mode functions in the same manner as Screen mode, with the exception that the report is sent to the printer, hence you cannot terminate the report mid-stream.
Quit Mode
Entering <Q> from the Command Line will return the Next PROGRAM-NUMBER prompt so that you have the option of going directly to your next program if you know the menu number, or of returning to the previous menu if you press <Enter>.
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.