The table below is a description of each of the fields present in the Fuel Costs program.
Once you have completed your entries, a confirmation prompt will appear, allowing you the option of saving, editing, or aborting the record.
Fuel Increments
Click the Increments checkbox.
In order to add different pricing, the Increments box must be checked.
Click the Bracket Maximum input field.
You will enter the quantity and fuel pricing. You will only need to fill out the Bracket Maximum, Domestic, and Bonded.
Enter 9 into the 99999 field.
When you are finished, ensure the last row is "999999" to indicate that there are no additional costs.
Once you select Save, the Bracket Minimum fields will auto populate based on your entries.
In standard billing, if we had 4000lbs of fuel, then the cost would be calculated as 4000 * 1.50.
In incremental billing, if we had 4000lbs of fuel, then the total cost would be calculated as (1000 * 2.00) + (3000*1.50).
Fuel Density by station
Enter a fuel density value, along with a weight unit and a volume unit per station in the Fuel Costs screen (webFOMS or FOMS 130). If you use the Fuel Costs menu you are setting a value for that station only.
Fuel Density by Default – All Stations
Enter a fuel density value, along with a weight unit and a volume unit per station in the Airline Code Parameters screen (webFOMS or FOMS 170). If you use the Airline Code Parameters menu you set a value for all stations.
Impact of Fuel Density On Uplift
If the volume of the tanks in the aircraft are specified, then the specific gravity can affect fuel uplift capabilities as a result of the variable density.
Main Parameter file default – All NFP customers
The default value for Fuel Density is set at 6.6611.
Invalid fuel density entries
The N-FP system does not allow invalid entries into either the Aircraft Characteristics or Airline Code parameter databases.
How does fuel density impact the flight plan?
Fuel density changes directly impact the fuel weight/tank capacity. The changes in these values may have an impact on the following:
Extra fuel available when using max tanker (always be aware of max fuel uplift)
Lower fuel density values may reduce the maximum fuel uplift weight, thus negatively impacting range and take-off weights
Direct Operating Costs – fuel cost differences
Why change the fuel density?
Fuel density is impacted by the following factors:
Field elevation
Outside Air Temperature (OAT)
Expected flight plan results
Under normal circumstances, there will be no difference in fuel burns even when the fuel density value has been changed. The aircraft performance at weight/ISA/FL will remain unaffected by fuel density changes, however, the ability to tanker up to max fuel uplift (if structural weights allow) may be limited.
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges given to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with Dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.