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FOMS Menu 170 - Page 5

The following will provide details for each parameter currently residing in the FOMS 170 database on Page 5. Details include descriptions, available options, defaults, and system behavior once the parameter change has been saved.




ETP Policy

This field refers to your default ETP policy. ETP calculations and information on all OFPs (regardless of aircraft), are based on this default policy. 

If the ETP field in Aircraft Characteristics is blank, NFP uses this value as the default. 

Default ETP Ice

Options are Y (yes), N (no), and (auto). 

  • If set to Y, ETP station fields are blue by default on the Plan Screen. This means that any icing penalties associated with the ETP policy assigned to the aircraft are included in ETP fuel totals.

  • If set to N, ETP station fields are white on the Plan Screen. Icing penalties are not included in ETP fuel totals.

  • If set to A, ETP station fields are green by default on the Plan Screen. Icing penalties are only applied if there is an area of icing impacting the flight between ETP point and ETP alternates.

Note: Icing areas have a max flight level of FL280.

ETP allowed to burn

There are 3 parts to this parameter:

1.     Additional

2.     Ballast

3.     Tankerage

Additional options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP allows the ETP calculation to burn any additional fuel to meet ETP fuel requirements. 

  • If set to N, NFP will abort, compute and generate an error message if additional fuel is required. Note: You must manually add ETP fuel to continue

Ballast options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP allows the ETP calculation to burn any ballast fuel to meet ETP fuel requirements. 

  • If set to N, NFP does not consider ballast fuel.

Tankerage options are Y (yes), N (no), or R (relocate). 

  • If set to Y, NFP allows the ETP calculation to burn tanker fuel to meet the ETP fuel requirements.

  • If set to N, NFP will not consider tanker fuel. 

  • If set to R (relocate), NFP moves the amount of tanker fuel that is required to complete the ETP diversion to ETP additional and reduces the tanker fuel by exactly that amount.

  • If blank, the same behavior as N occurs.

Auto Etp Fuel

Options are Y(yes)or N(no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP automatically adds extra fuel for ETP requirements. 

  • If set to N, NFP does not.

  • If blank, the same behavior as Y occurs.

Note:  Caution should be used if fuel block does not display a separate ETP fuel value on the flight plan, as the extra fuel required for ETPs blend in with other fuels considered as EXTRA. 

Critical Etp Def

This parameter consists of two fields:

  • First field: Do you want your most critical scenario based on T (total burn from origin - ETP point - ETP alternate) or F (burn from ETP point – ETP alternate).

  • Second field: Do you want to only display the critical ETP scenarios on the NFP Map – Y (yes) or N (no)?

Note: This impacts what displays as most critical on the flight plan if your format is configured to only show the most critical scenario(s).

Eep/Exp Minutes – ETOPS entry and exit point circles

If the field is blank, NFP defaults EEP/EXP circles to 60 minutes. If another value is entered in minutes, the circle radius will expand accordingly based on aircraft’s ETOPS TAS per hour entered in aircraft characteristics (FOMS 220).

Guess ETOPS stns

There are 4 fields for this parameter. 

First field enables the automatic selection of ETOPS alternates based on weather and suitability criteria. Options are Y (yes), N (no), 234 (engine # selection). 

  • If set to Y, functionality is enabled. 

  • If set to N, this feature is disabled. 

  • If 2,34 is selected, this feature only works for aircraft with that number of engines.

Note: NFP uses the aircraft’s ETOPS time, TAS, or distance entries from aircraft characteristics (FOMS 220) to calculate valid ETOPS stations.

Second field is only available if Y (yes) is entered in the first field. Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, the ETOPS fields in the plan screen are disabled and users are unable to edit ETOPS stations.

Third field is only available if Y (yes) is entered in the first field. Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, all EEP/EXP circles are displayed on the NFP map. 

  • If set to N (no), EEP/EXP circles are not displayed on the map.

The fourth field is only available if Y (yes) is entered in the first field. Options for this field are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, the ETOPS alternates re-default when the aircraft or route is changed. 

  • If set to N, the ETOPS alternates previously selected do not re-default when an aircraft or route is changed.


Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, ETP pairs are automatically created based on the ETOPS stations automatically selected by NFP. The To ETP button on the Plan Screen is grayed out. 

  • If set to N, the ETOPS alternates will have to be manually entered. The To ETP button on the Plan Screen is available.  

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Recommend ETOPS

Options are E (error) and W (warning). 

  • If E is entered, NFP generates a compute error (red) if the route is not ETOPS compliant. 

  • If W is entered, NFP generates a warning (yellow) if the route is not ETOPS compliant.

Byd 180Min Warning

Treat ETOPS Beyond 180 Minutes failures as (E)rror or (W)arning.

Diversion Win (window)

There are three fields: 

First field entries are N (no), O ETOPS only, E (ETP only), and B (both ETP and ETOPS). 

  • If set to N, NFP does not calculate any validity window information. 

  • If set to E or O, NFP calculates a validity window for ETP or ETOP alternates only. The system will use ETP information if both edges of an ETP pair are ETOPS stations. 

  • If set to B, NFP calculates a validity window for both ETP and ETOPS alternates.

Second field is for the diversion window start time. Value to be entered is in minutes prior to ETD (if 60 is entered, this equals -60 minutes).

Third field is for diversion window end time. Values are entered as minutes after ETA (if 60 is entered, this equals +60 minutes).  

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Note: The Flight Plan format(s) must show validity windows for this to work. If not, contact support and coordinate a format change.


Options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, NFP successfully computes an in-flight revision without having to remove alternates used for ETOPS/ETP/EEP/EXP. 

  • If set to N, NFP removes all alternates used for ETOPS/ETP/EEP/EXP prior to computing the in-flight revision.

Note: If the Guess ETOPS stns flag is set to Y, NFP selects ETOPS alternates required to keep the route compliant. If set to N, dispatchers must manually select appropriate ETOPS alternates. ETP information may not be available if alternates do not correlate with the in-flight route.

Stay In Era Circles

Default routes to stay in ERA circles. 

Options are (Y)es/(N)o/Blank

  • Blank renders the same result as N.


Check that the ETP is within ETOPS. Options are (Y)es (Warn), (N)o, or (E)rror.

  • If selected, specify whether to validate if within (D)istance, (T)ime or (B)oth. 

Restrict ETPs

Require ETP points to be after the first ETOPS Entry Point (EEP) and before the last ETOPS Exit Point (EXP). 

Options are (Y)es (Warn), (N)o, or (E)rror.

APU Burn ETOPS only

Calculate the APU Burn (set in Aircraft Characteristics FOMS 220) for ETOPS only, between EEP and EXP.  

Options are Yes and No.

ICAO ATC Settings section



Item15 Override

Options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, the Designator from FOMS 305 (city pair routes) or FOMS 301 will show as item 15 of the ATC message instead of the entire pref. route. 

  • If set to N, item 15 will display the entire pref. route as published.

Default Skd Type 

Options are:

  • M = Military

  • G = General

  • S = Scheduled – TEST flights will always default to S

  • N = Non scheduled

  • T = Training

  • X = Other

Example: The option selected will show in ATC item 8 as...If option M (military) is selected, the route generator looks at specific military preferred departures and arrivals.

FLT No. Format

Zero fill flight number options are 23, or 4

  • If option 2 is selected, flight numbers such as NAV0010 will display as NAV10 in the ATC message.

  • If option 3 is selected, flight numbers such as NAV0100 will appear as NAV100 in the ATC message shown below.

  • If option 4 is selected, flight numbers such as NAV0100 will appear as NAV0100 in the ATC message as shown below.

  • If blank, no zero padding will occur.

ATC Waypoint EET

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, all waypoint EETs appear on the ATC message. 

  • If N is entered, EETs do not appear in the ATC message.

  • If blank, the same behavior as N applies.

FIR Waypoint EET

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, all FIR EETs appear in the atc message. 

  • If N is entered, EETs do not appear in the atc message.

  • If blank, no FIR waypoint EETs appear in the atc message.

RIF in Item 18

Display reclear in RIF (Reclearance in flight)/ of Item18. 

Options are Y (yes) or N (no).

ATC Item 19

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, additional information such as endurance, radios, dingy colors/number, and aircraft colors are displayed in the ATC message (shown below). 

  • If N is selected, this information does not display in the ATC message. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.


Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, the ATC message displays only the first FIR estimated enroute time (EET) and last FIR EET when the route passes through IFPS airspace. 

  • If N is selected, EETs for ALL FIRS display.

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Item 18 Profile – CFMU climb/descent

Shows climb/descent profile in CFMU airspace in ATC item 18 RMK. The flight must take place within IFPS airspace – from origin to destination.

  • TOC = Top of Climb / TOD = Top of Descent / TOW = Takeoff weight / TAXI = Taxi time

  • BOC BOC= Bottom of Climb / BOD = Bottom of Descent / DAL = Distance at location

ICAO ATC Remarks

Any information entered here will appear in ICAO item 18 as a RMK/ item for all flights.

Flight Papers section



Pre-Fuel Reduction

Enter a buffer from the ramp fuel requirement to be used when pre-fuelling an aircraft (i.e. fueling before the final fuel load is issued). This value is used for display only on the Flight Plan. 

OrgTrk Must Overlap

Options are Y (yes), and N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, the organized track report will only append to the flight papers if the route overlaps the tracks. 

  • If set to N, the organized track report will append to the flight papers regardless of whether the route overlaps the tracks or not.

OrgTrk Must Be Same Dir

Options are Y (yes), and N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, the organized track report will only append to the flight papers if the route travels in the same direction as the tracks. 

  • If set to N, the organized track report will append to the flight papers regardless of direction of flight.

OrgTrk Buffers

This parameter consists of two fields:

First field: Enter a valid buffer time in minutes before ETD start. 

Second Field: Enter a valid buffer time in minutes after ETA start.

Sigmet Buffers

This parameter consists of three fields:

First field: Enter a valid buffer time in minutes before ETD (blank for no filtering). 

Second field: Enter a valid buffer time after ETA (blank for no filtering). 

Third field: Choose whether to filter SIGMETs on UI INFO/VIEW by ETD/ETA. 

  • Options are Y(yes) or N(no).

CoNtm (company NOTAMs) Buffers

This parameter consists of three fields:

First field: Enter a valid buffer time in minutes before ETD (blank for no filtering).

Second field: Enter a valid buffer time after ETA (blank for no filtering). 

Third field: Choose whether to filter SIGMETs on UI INFO/VIEW by ETD/ETA. 

  • Options are Y(yes) or N(no).

Notam Buffers

This parameter consists of three fields:

First field: Enter a valid buffer time in minutes before ETD (blank for no filtering). 

Second field: Enter a valid buffer time after ETA (blank for no filtering.

Third field: Choose whether to filter SIGMETs on UI INFO/VIEW by ETD/ETA. 

  • Options are Y(yes) or N(no).

Ntm Show Q Code Label

Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NOTAMS in flight package will be grouped on a per Q code basis and labeled accordingly. 

  • If set to N, NOTAMS will not be grouped nor labeled as such.

Ntm Use Short Q Code

Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, short Q code labels will be shown. 

  • If set to N, they will not.

Show notams preference

Show notams preference (United States airports only), options include:

  • DOM: Domestic NOTAMS only

  • I|D: International NOTAMS. If none, then domestic

  • INT: International NOTAMS only

  • D|I: Domestic NOTAMS. If none, then international

  • I+D: International NOTAMS and non-duplicate domestic

  • D+I: Domestic NOTAMS and non-duplicate international

  • ALL: Both international and domestic, including duplicates

FIR Ntm Hide Station

Choose whether to hide the station NOTAMs when querying FIRs on the Plan Screen. 

Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

Wx/Ntm Show full Name

Options are Y (yes) and N (no). 

  • If set to Y, flight package displays the full airport names in the weather/NOTAMS package. 

  • If set to N, it will not.

Wx/Ntm Show Runways

Options are F (feet), M (meters), and N (no). 

  • If set to F, airport runways will be displayed in the weather/NOTAMS package in feet. 

  • If set to M, airport runways will be displayed in the weather/NOTAMS package in meters. 

  • If set to N, airport runways will not be displayed.

Metars Per Station

Enter a numerical value (normally 1). Value entered will determine the number of METARS per station that will be included in the weather/NOTAMS package.

Tafs Per Station

Enter a numerical value (normally 1). Value entered will determine the number of TAFS per station that will be included in the weather/NOTAMS package.

Emerg Apt in Pkg

Options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, weather and NOTAM information for emergency stations (escape route stations) is included in the flight package. 

  • If set to N, emergency stations are not included. 

  • If blank, the default is the same as N.

NTM Indicators

Recent: Enter a term to signify a NOTAM has been recently added then add the max age (in hours) to consider the NOTAM recent. 

Actioned: Enter a term to signify a NOTAM has rules associated with it.

Note: Can use special characters (example: *RULE* or **New).

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