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Method 2 Drift-Down Escape Routes

Version 11

Method 2 Drift-Down Escape Routes are used to calculate a safe route through terrain in excess of the MORA elevation down to the applicable drift-down flight level for the aircraft in the event of engine loss. With a MORA of more than the drift-down flight level, Method 2 Drift-Down Escape Routes begins at the TOC (Top of Climb) waypoint and ends at the first TOD (Top of Descent) waypoint.

When an engine is lost, the aircraft will begin to descend to an altitude at which the atmosphere becomes dense enough to allow the remaining engine to sustain level flight. The aircraft will then level off. The descent in the case of a Method 2 Escape Route is dependent on the weight of the aircraft at the start of the leg during when the engine loss occurred. This implies that the maximum MORA threshold increases for later legs due to fuel burn-off causing lower weights (and by extension higher drift-down flight levels). Below displays the applicable portion of a sample route of when the Method 2 Drift-Down Escape Routes are generated. For further information, please refer to Escape Routes Manual.

NAVBLUE Flight Plan automatically generates Method 2 Drift-Down Escape Routes based on drift-down performance data for the aircraft. Some system configuration and format changes are required to implement this. Contact NAVBLUE Support for assistance.

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