Field | Description |
Default on UI | This parameter works in conjunction with the Default Runways parameter. Options are Yes or No. If set to Yes, NFP shows the default as set in the Default Runways field. If set to No, you are forced to select a specific runway for both departure and arrival stations. If blank, the same behavior as Yes occurs. 
Defaulting Method | Options are: L (Longest procedure) M (Max headwind) B (Best route) N (None).
NFP Departure and Arrival Runway fields default to whichever is set in this field. This parameter must be set to M or B to enable the automatic runway selection based on valid TAFS. If the flag is set to N, functionality is disabled. If blank, the same behavior as N occurs. This feature allows for automatic selection of runway(s) based on valid METAR and TAF information for the origin and destination based on ETD and ETA. Runways are considered based on the best SID and STAR available and weather criteria (wind speed and direction, approach minima). Also, NFP chooses the best runway based on whether the runway is suitable, based on suitability checks (ACN/PCN, runway surface, minimum length), and the magnetic bearing of the runway that yields the greatest headwind component. Note: Route optimization also has an impact on runway selection. |
Weather criteria
Terminal Area Forecasts and METARs are monitored for the flight’s ETD and ETA. The forecasted winds for the appropriate time period are used as criteria for the preferred runway selection. METARs are only applicable when the expected departure or arrival is to happen within an hour, after which, only the TAFs are used
TAF RJAA 091138Z 0912/1018 23008KT P6SM -SHSN OVC040 TEMPO 0912/0915 3SM -SHSN OVC020 PROB30 0912/0915 11/4SM -SHSN SCT007 OVC015 FM091500 25010G20KT 5SM -SHSN BKN025 OVC060 FM091900 27017G27KT P6SM SCT030 BKN050 FM100000 27013KT P6SM SCT030 RMK NXT FCST BY 091500Z
Note: NFP does not account for sudden runway changes which may be made by ATC facilities. ETA prior to initial compute = ETD + EET based on GC distance (between origin and destination) using default settings in aircraft type file @ 75% MTOW.
Field | Description |
Integration Weather | Options are Yes or No. If set to Yes or left blank, the RWA box displays weather data from NFP when the RWA window is opened. If set to N, all RWA fields are blank and can be filled in manually. Alternatively, you can leave the fields empty and send a runway request to Aerodata. Aerodata will populate the fields with their data when a runway request is sent. If set to N and you select the Default Wx button in the Runway Analysis dialog, the weather data source is from Aerodata. |
Integration Pressure | Choose which runway integration pressure unit to display. Options are: Millibar Inches of Mercury
If the field is blank the NFP system uses the same unit of measurement used in the original TAF/METAR. |
Minimum Length
| Field entry is in feet. NFP generates a warning if you select a station with a runway length lesser than the value entered in this field. 
Warn if Closed | Options are: If set to Origin or Destination a warning is displayed if any runway is closed at the Origin or Destination airport. If set to Both, a warning is displayed if any runway is closed at either of the airports. |
Maximum Tailwind | Entry in this field is in KNOTS per hour (wind speed). Enter the maximum tail wind value for your fleet. This value impacts automatic runway end selection for NFP features such as Max headwind and ALC Approach Minima. When set, NFP does not pick a runway for departure or arrival if the tail wind exceeds this value. |
Landing Approach
Landing Approach: This drop down list enables the ALC Approach Minima feature.
If set to Yes, NFP considers runway specific approaches for all STARs and DCT segments to the airport which will use a landing approach. NFP selects the optimized one based on weather criteria and approach preferences as set in the second field.
If set to No, behavior is the same as N (no landing approaches).
There is also a Suitability Only option which checks to discern if there is a suitable approach available, but does not add it to the flight route.
Approach Types: Enter the preferred approaches in order of most preferred to the least preferred. Available options are:
Description | Type |
Localizer/Backcourse Approach | B |
Flight Management System (FMS) | F |
Instrument Guidance System (IGS) | G |
Instrument Landing System(ILS) | I |
GNSS Landing System (GLS) | J |
Localizer Only (LOC) | L |
Microwave Landing System (MLS) | M |
Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) | N |
Global Positioning System (GPS) | P |
Non-Directional Beacon + DME (NDB+DME) | Q |
Area Navigation (RNAV) | R |
VOR Approach using VORDME/VORTAC | S |
Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) | U |
VOR | V |
Microwave Landing System (MLS), TypeA | W |
Localizer Directional Aid (LDA) | X |
Microwave Landing System (MLS), Type B & C | Y |
Missed Approach | Z |
Note: If NFP cannot pick the first preferred approach because of approach minima or suitability checks, it will move on to the second choice and so on.
The Landing Approach field allows commas between approach types. This allows users to group approach types for ranking purposes.
IJPR,DSVLBQ,NGXU I/J/P/R are preferred, and ranked equally.
D/S/V/L/B/Q are only considered if no I/J/P/R were available for use. This group is also equally ranked among each other.
N/G/X/U are only considered if none of the above were available for use. This group is also equally ranked among each other.