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Flight Info Group Field Descriptions

The Flight Info group on the Plan screen, together with the fields in the Flight Key group, provides you with the fields that you need to create a flight plan.


There are two mandatory fields: Dest and Aircraft. They must be entered before generating a flight plan. The Flight Info group is extendable to reveal additional flight information fields.

The fields in the Flight Info group are described below.

Fields in the Flight Info group



When selected, the informational context arrow opens a text box displaying the message Inflight. If you select this, the flight becomes an inflight revision and the Waypoint dropdown list is activated. The Waypoint dropdown list allows you to select a waypoint from the list or an off route waypoint for which you have a Flight Level and Fuel On Board.

Flight Lvl

This field allows you to enter the actual flight level at the time over the inflight waypoint.


This field allows you to enter the ICAO or IATA identifier for the destination station. If entered in the IATA format, it will be converted and displayed to the ICAO format. This information must be entered before generating a flight plan.

When selected, the informational context arrow opens a text box displaying the options View weather and NOTAMs and View airport information. Selecting View weather and NOTAMs causes the Information panel to display the Weather and NOTAM Query and you are prompted to enter a station in the Information Panel. Selecting View airport information causes the Information panel to display airport information.

If a destination is entered before the informational context arrow is selected, the Information panel displays the Weather and NOTAM Query for the destination station.


This dropdown list allows you to enter the aircraft Fleet Identification Number (FIN) or the registration of the aircraft assigned to the flight. This information must be entered before generating a flight plan.

Select the green arrow beside the field to enter an item10a and an item10b value. A warning message is returned on compute if you use an invalid value.


This field contains the estimated time of departure for the flight in UTC time. The ETD will be displayed in a DDHHMM format. This field populates automatically with the STD, but can be adjusted manually.


This field allows the user to enter the scheduled time of arrival for the flight in UTC time.

To automatically calculate this value, leave the field blank and tab out of the field by pressing the Tab key. This field can then be adjusted manually.

The STA/ETA will be displayed in a DDHHMM (Day, hour, minutes) format.

The ETA value cannot be edited and updates automatically upon computation of the flight.


This field allows you to specify the ALC that will be used in ATC messages. By default, the flight ALC is displayed, but can be changed up to six characters.

Trip Number

This field allows you to add a trip number to the flight, if used. This is used primarily to cross reference a flight to another system.


This checkbox allows you to override a flight as domestic or international. If the origin and destination countries are the same as the airline country code (in the Airline Code FOMS database), the flight defaults to domestic. If the flight’s origin and destination countries are not the same, the flight defaults to international. Flights between Hawaii or Alaska to the continental US are considered international.


This dropdown list lets you designate the flight as scheduled, non-scheduled, general aviation, military, training, or other.

Flight Rules

If you want to use Item 8 flight rules codes to generate ATS Flight Plans, you can select the rules from this dropdown menu. Options are:

  • IFR (I)

  • VFR (V)

  • IFR-to-VFR (Y)

  • VFR-to-IFR (Z).

First Rules Chg

If using Flight Rule Y or Z, select a waypoint in the route where the flight rules change.

Second Rules Chg

If using Flight Rule Y or Z, select a second waypoint in the route where the flight rules change. This is an optional field.

ATC Itinerary

If the checkbox is left unchecked, the Send to ATC box on the Reports screen is active. If the checkbox is checked, the Send to ATC box on the Reports screen is grayed out and a message can not be sent to ATC.

ATC Flight

This field allows you to specify the flight number that will be used in ATC messages. Any value entered in this field overrides the flight number padding specified in Airline Code Parameters.

Cust Id

This field allows you to specify station addresses based on customer ID provided there is a match in the Station Address fields.

File By

This dropdown list allows you to file a flight plan by Flight, Registration, or FIN.

Hist Winds

The Historical Winds dropdown list allows you to select a month, season, year, or quartile to represent typical historical winds for your test flight. When Historical winds are used, the Wind component and ISA deviation fields are disabled. This field is only available if the flight is a test flight. In addition, you are able to select the year range for the winds (current options are 3, 5, 10, 20, or 30 years) and define a percentile (1-99%).

Default Hazard Source 

This dropdown list allows you to select from any of NONE, EFH, or ERP.

Note: The Hazard source can be made independent of wind data.


This field allows you to enter a wind value, expressed in knots as a headwind or tailwind. The valid range is between -200 knots  (headwind) and 200 knots (tailwind).

When the Wind component field is used, the Historical winds field is disabled. This field is only available if the flight is a test flight.

ISA deviation

This field allows you to enter an average value for the International Standard Atmosphere deviation. The valid range is between -30°C and 30°C. When the ISA deviation field is used, the Historical winds field is disabled. This field is only available if the flight is a test flight.

Driftdown Meth

This dropdown list allows you to select the method of driftdown on a per-compute basis: 

  • payload reduction

  • escape routes

  • auto

  • disable driftdown.

Driftdown Eng

This dropdown list allows you to select the engine scenario for driftdown on a per-compute basis: 

  • all engines

  • one engine out

  • half engines.

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