Weather and NOTAM Query / Report
This topic will show the varied methods of Weather and NOTAM reporting available in the Info Group.
We estimate that this will take 5 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Weather and NOTAM Query / Report
The Weather and NOTAM Query/Report is located in the Information Panel and displays the Weather and NOTAMs based on a Query or Report.
The information panel can be expanded by clicking on the small arrow at the top of the panel. A report displays the weather and NOTAMs for airports selected for a specific flight and will be included in the flight package. A query allows you to search for any airport's weather and NOTAMs in the world and will not be included in the flight package.
The Information panel will remain on the screen as you toggle between the List, Plan, Route, Automation, Progress, Settings, and Alert screens at the top of N-FP.
The Information panel will not be available while you are in the Report screen.
Weather and NOTAM Query/Report Button Overview
The arrow at the top of the panel allows you to expand the Information panel vertically within N-FP.
The refresh icon will refresh the data you see in the Information panel.
The printer icon allows you to print the report or query.
The Weather and NOTAM Query allows you to retrieve weather and NOTAM information for any station(s) that you enter into the Stations field.
The Weather and NOTAM report will only display stations that have been entered in the Plan screen for the flight you are working on.
Custom Query allows you to create a custom weather query using standard weather query language.
Using the report function, you can see the weather and NOTAMs are only stations that show up on the plan screen.
In this example, it is OBBI, KSFO, and KHAF.
Click the Orig button.
Clicking on the Orig button will bring up all weather and NOTAMs for the origin station from the Plan screen.
Click the Dest button.
Clicking on the Dest button will bring up all weather and NOTAMs for the destination station from the Plan screen.
Click the Others button.
Selecting the Others button will bring up a row of additional boxes below. This will separate your others if you have more than one listed.
Click the Info button.
Next, you will learn how to complete a weather and NOTAM query.
Click the Weather and NOTAM Query list item.
Queries are helpful if you are searching for possible alternates or want to gather information on the weather around your planned airports to assist with your planning.
In this example, we want to see how the weather looks around our destination station, KSFO. You can search for one or multiple stations in the query bar. When searching for multiple stations, separate them by using a comma.
Enter KOAK, KHWD into the Stations field.
Press the
Once you have finished typing in the stations you want to view, you can load them by selecting the Tab key.
Click the METAR button.
METAR information is populated for all stations requested by selecting the METAR tab.
Click the TAF button.
TAF information is populated for all stations requested by selecting the TAF tab.
Click the NOTAMs button.
NOTAM information is populated for all stations requested by selecting the NOTAM tab.
You can set identifiers to NOTAMs that may require dispatch action and/or recently added NOTAMs. This prefix can be set by an admin in the Airline Code Parameters under the Weather & NOTAM tab.
Click the SIGMET button.
When querying for station specific SIGMETs, N-FP creates a 60NM radius circle around each station inputted in the command field.
Since this search criteria does not involve a route, search area is limited to station coverage and not route coverage.
Click the Comp. NOTAMs button.
If the station has any Company NOTAMs for the stations queried, they will show here.
Company NOTAMs are set by an admin in the FOMS screens for company specific messages about stations, aircraft, or geographic area.
Click the Decoded METAR button.
Decoded METAR provides a translated version of the METAR from the first tab.
Click the Decoded TAF button.
Decoded TAF provides a translated version of the TAF from the second tab.
Click the Trend button.
Click the Info button.
The trend will show reports from the last 10 hours to assist with planning.
Click the Custom Query button.
Next, we will show you how to create a custom query.
Click the Enter Query input field.
Custom queries allow you to use standard weather query language to create your own report.
Enter $SA KSEA KPDX KOAK into the Enter Query field.
In this example, we will query the METARs for three different airports.
Click the Expand button.
Clicking the Expand button will populate your custom weather report. You can print your custom query by clicking on the Printer icon.