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FOMS Menu 170 - Page 4

The following will provide details for each parameter currently residing in the FOMS 170 database. Details include descriptions, available options, defaults, and system behavior once the parameter change has been saved.



Populate List From / Max Search Radius

Options are M (menu 110 only), R (radius only), or B (both – if menu 110 is unsuitable). 

  • If set to M, NFP only considers alternates entered in this database. 

  • If set to R, NFP searches for suitable alternates based on the circle radius around the destination station as set in the Max Search Radius field below this one. 

  • If the search radius field is blank, the default search area is 500NM.

Example: NFP searches for suitable alternates within a 50NM radius around the destination station. NFP does not  look at FOMS 110 since R is set. If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Min Number of Choices

Enter a numerical value in this field. 

When the field is blank, the default number of alternates is 4. 

NFP provides a specific number of alternate choices based on this setting. These appear in NFP’s plan screen as shown below:

Default Number of Alt

Enter the number of alternates to show in the Flight Package (up to 9). The additional alternates are selected based on the Alt List Source and Max Search Radius fields in the Alternate Defaults group in the Route Data tab on the Airline Code Parameters WebFOMS screen. Alt List Source is called Populate List From on the FOMS 170 menu. 

  • The alternates are not included in burn calculations. 

  • Also, you can set this number as a default in the Airline Code Parameters FOMS screens or as an input default on the Input Defaults screen. 

Note: A format change is required for this functionality, contact support for more information.

Default Number of Alt

Options are a numerical value (0-4), D (Domestic), I (International), or N (never set). 

  • If a numerical value is entered, NFP only chooses that number of alternates in the plan screen based on suitability and weather criteria.

  • If set to D, NFP does not choose any alternates if the flight is domestic. 

  • If set to I, NFP does not choose any alternates if flight is international. 

  • If set to N, NFP does not choose any alternates regardless of whether the flight is domestic or international. 

  • If the field is blank, NFP chooses the best destination alternate based on suitability and weather criteria.

Default Take-Off Alt

Options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP uses the Max Search Radius around the origin to find a suitable takeoff alternate and display it in the plan screen.

Keep in mind that the takeoff alternate max distance setting in FOMS 220 may impact NFP’s choice.

Use Wx Minima

Options are Y (yes) or N (no).

  • If set to Y, NFP considers the weather criteria entered in FOMS 170 under Other

  • If set to N, NFP does not consider weather criteria for choosing a suitable alternate. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Burn Alternate

Alternate fuel amount required on the flight plans which is based on the option selected. 

Options are:

  • M = maximum burn – highest burn based on selected alternates,

  • E = maximum burn between alternates 1 and 2,

  • P = burn to primary alternate (first alternate selected)

  • V =burn to 1st alternate via 2nd alternate

  • N = no burn

Restrict Alt Distance

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is selected, alternate selection is restricted so that 2nd, 3rd , or 4th alternate distances must be closer to the destination than the previous alternate. 

  • If N is selected, the functionality of the Burn Alternate parameter dictates the result.

Alt2 In ATC

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, the ICAO ATC includes the 1st alternate and the 2nd alternate (see below).

  • If set to N, only the first alternate appears.

Allow NONE

Options are Y (yes), N (no), D (Domestic), I (International) or A (Auto if no Alts). 

  • If set to Y, NFP allows users to choose NONE instead of a specific alternate.

  • If set to N, NFP does not allow users to choose NONE.

  • If set to D, NFP only allows the NONE selection if the flight is Domestic.

  • If set to I, NFP  only allows the NONE selection if the flight is International.

  • If set to A, the system will automatically select NONE if no alternates are set.

No Alt Time – used with alternate selection = NONE

Entry field is numeric (minutes). NFP calculates an alternate burn based on time value entered at TOD fuel flow.

No Alt Hold – used with alternate selection = NONE

Options are A, H, or D (A = Alternate / H = Hold / D = Additional). 

  • If set to A, the alternate burn based on No Alt Time entry shows up on the flight plan as alternate fuel. 

  • If set to H, the fuel value shows up on the flight plan as hold fuel.

Alt Dist Bias

Entry field is numeric (distance in NM). 

Example: Based on Alt Dist Bias of 25NM. If the alternate route does not use a SID or a STAR, 25NM is added to the total route distance and burns are adjusted accordingly. If neither a SID or STAR are available, an additional 50NM (25 NM for the SID + 25NM for the STAR) is added to the total route distance and burns are adjusted accordingly.

No Hold in Min Alt

Options are Y (yes) or N (no). Default setting is N.

  • If set to Y, hold fuel is included in the minimum alternate fuel requirement for the alternate. 

  • If set to N, it is not included. 

Alternate use Awys

This parameter consists of two fields. 

First field options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP selects the first saved alternate route. If a saved route is not available, NFP generates an MTTA taking airways into consideration. 

  • If set to N, NFP looks for the first saved alternate route. If a saved route is not available, NFP generates a Great Circle DCT route between destination and alternate.

  • If the field is blank, NFP produces the same result as if Y was entered. For take-off alternates, the system does not use City-Pair routes.

Second field options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP converts unreachable airway segments (too high) to DCT legs for alternate route building. 

  • If set to N, NFP does not convert these and may generate an error if an alternate route cannot be built.

Route Cruise Profile (formally Use Main Rte Crz Prof) 

This parameter consists of 2 fields. 

First field options are Y (yes), N (no) or S (specific). 

  • If set to Y, NFP will always calculate the alternate burns using the main route cruise profile. 

  • If set to N, NFP will default to LRC or the abnormal cruise profile as set in FOMS 230.  

  • If set to Specific, you must enter a default alternate cruise profile in the Default Cruise profile field. 

Note: This field cannot be blank.  

The second field is used to enter a default alternate cruise profile. To use this field:

  1. The Use Main Cruise field must be set to Specific

  2. The profile entered is populated in the Profile field in the Alternates section of the Plan screen. 

  3. Entries in this field are not validated, the N-FP system defaults to the aircraft's profile entered in the Aircraft Characteristics Database screen if you enter a profile not in the database.

Default Pt of Safe Rtn (PSR)

Options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

  • If set to Y, NFP defaults the PSR station to the origin as shown below. 

  • If set to N, NFP does not provide a PSR default station. 

  • If blank, default is Y.

Note:  Point of safe return is the furthest waypoint along a route of flight which guarantees a safe return to the PSR station with the minimum landing fuel on board. Also, there is a format change required to show PSR information on your flight plans.

Default EU Ops ERA

 Determines whether to automatically select an EU Ops ERA Airport. Options are Y (yes) or N (no). 

If you use Airport Suitability settings, you see the airport choices filtered based on airports designated as suitable for Emergency.

Network settings

The following set of parameters impacts how messages and flight packages are sent and received using NFP. This includes all type B messages (SITA, ARINC, AFTN) as well as ACARS.


Enter the 2 letter IATA Code for the airline you want billed for SITA reverse charging.

SITA/ARINC/AFTN addresses and message priority

Enter the customer’s own SITA, ARINC, and AFTN addresses in the appropriate fields. Addresses entered will show as the originator for all outbound messages.

Note:  If you do not have your own, enter NAVBLUE’s address(es). Outbound messages will show NAVBLUE as the originators.

Network Message Priority

Priority of outgoing messages impact the cost of sending. The higher the priority, the faster the delivery.

  • Priority options for SITA and ARINC = QUQNQD Default priority is QN.

  • Priority options for AFTN = SSFFGG. Default priority is FF.


This parameter consists of 3 fields. 

  • First field entry is for the ACARS gateway network address which is normally a SITA or ARINC address. This address belongs to the provider responsible for transmitting your air/ground/air messages.

  • Second field entry is the ACARS free text format number. 

    • Note: Prior coordination with NAVBLUE account management is required to enable this.

  • Third field entry is the ACARS flight plan format number. 

    • Note:Prior coordination with NAVBLUE account management is required to enable this.

Note: This parameter impacts all flights using the ACARS feature. For aircraft specific settings, go to FOMS 220 and fill in the appropriate fields.


Options are S(SITA) or A (ARINC). 

  • If set to S, all SITA and ARINC outbound messages are sent using the SITA circuit. 

  • If set to A, all SITA and ARINC outbound messages are sent using the ARINC circuit.

  • If the field is blank, all SITA outbound messages are sent using the SITA circuit and all ARINC outbound messages are sent using the ARINC circuit.

FIR Addr Type

Options are A (AFTN) and S (SITA). 

  • If set to S, NFP  verifies that if there is a valid SITA address for an FIR and if there is, it  files the ICAO message via SITA instead of AFTN. 

  • If set to A, NFP files using AFTN as this is the default means for transmitting ICAO outbound messages. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Default Atc Alias

Enter an alias from FOMS 585. It is then added to the default addresses for all ATC outbound messages.

Default Fp Alias

Enter an alias from FOMS 585 and it is added to the default addresses for flight package transmissions. This impacts all flight package transmissions.

UI Send Paper Etd Offsets

These fields allow NFP to send by default, messages based on ETD or ETA -/+ times.


Entries in this field are based on ETD –XXX where XXX = minutes. 

Example: Delayed send time of ETD -120 based on an entry of 120.


There are two entries for this parameter which are based on ETD – XXX where XXX = minutes.

  • First entry is for the 1st package.

  • Second entry is for the 2nd package.

Example: Delayed send time of ETD - 90 for the 1st package and ETD – 45 for the 2nd package.


There are two entries for this parameter which are based on ETD – XXX where XXX = minutes. 

  • First entry is for the 1stACARS  transmission.

  • Second entry is for the 2nd ACARS transmission. 

Example: Delayed send time of ETD - 90 for the 1st ACARS transmission and ETD – 45 for the 2nd transmission.

Email Body

Options are T (Text), P (PDF), or B (Both). This setting determines the default format(s) of any component of the flight package that is sent via email using an alias. 

If the field is blank, behavior is the same as B.

Auto Profile

Enter the name of the default automation profile.

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