For an overview of the WebFOMS features see the Aircraft Characteristics screen. The features described there can be applied to all screens.
For instructions on how to make modifications on the WebFOMS screens, see Modify, View Aircraft Characteristics. It uses the Aircraft Characteristics as an example but can be applied to all WebFOMS screens.
Screen mode is the default view when you first go to a WebFOMS screen. When Screen is selected you can view all records that exist in the system. Select the arrow in the first field of the WebFOMS screen to access the drop-down menu to view the list of available records.
Only items that exist in the database are shown in the drop-down list.
FOMS Screen
WebFOMS Screen
The purpose of this program is to allow the operator to assign outstanding maintenance (MEL/CDL) items against a particular airframe. Whenever that aircraft is used by the Flight Plan program, the list with its corresponding descriptions will display for the dispatcher. When an aircraft is scheduled for a flight, the dispatcher can review the list to see if there are any operational restrictions that may have an impact on flight planning. For instance, some defects may impose a limit on the maximum altitude to which the aircraft may be flown, and this should, of course, prompt the dispatcher to cap the flight level used by the Flight Plan.
The program automatically sorts the codes that are operational to the top of the list. It also tracks the dates of all such entries so that the age of any item is always available.
You can make MEL and CDL penalties using this menu and the FOMS 428 menu. Refer to Cumulative MEL/CDL Penalties for more information.
The modes available are:
Add Mode
For more information refer to Aircraft_MEL_or_CDL_assignments.
Edit Mode
In this mode you can add or delete MEL/CDL codes from the record for any particular aircraft. Once you have entered the Aircraft ID number, the existing record will display and the cursor is positioned at the end of the first Code number field. To erase an entry use <Ctrl>-X to wipe the field, then press <Enter>. The line will be deleted, and the rest of the list will automatically be closed up. To add an entry, move the cursor to the first available open Code field and enter the appropriate MEL/CDL number. Up to 24 items may be in the list at any one time.
Delete Mode
Note: This mode will delete the entire record for the selected aircraft ID number. If you simply want to erase one or more MEL/CDL items listed against the aircraft, use the Edit mode.
Enter the Aircraft ID number, the existing record for the aircraft will be retrieved and displayed. You will be asked to confirm that this is indeed the record you want to remove. Entering <Y> will delete the record. Entering <N> will clear the data from the screen without touching the data of the file.
Video Mode
This mode allows you to view the record stored for a particular aircraft. By using the up and down arrow keys, you can see the records for other aircraft sorted alphabetically by ID number.
If there is more than one page of MEL items, you may view subsequent pages by pressing <Ctrl>-F.
If the record you select is not found, you will be alerted. Then by pressing <Enter> the next available record will display. If you step beyond either the beginning or end of the file, you will be returned to the initial Video mode screen. Pressing <Enter> on a blank Aircraft ID field will return you to the mode command line.
Screen Mode
This mode allows you to generate screen reports of MEL/CDL records sorted in various manners.
REPORT SEQUENCE: Enter <I> if you want your report sorted by specific ID number; enter <T> for a report sorted by aircraft type; or enter <A> for a report sorted by age, i.e., by the number of days since the item was added to the record.
If you enter <I> the cursor will move to the Aircraft ID field. You may then enter a particular ID number, or by pressing <Enter>, default to ALL.
Entering <T> will move the cursor to the Aircraft Type field. You may enter either a specific type of aircraft or default to ALL by pressing <Enter>.
Entering <A> will move the cursor to the Minimum Age Reported field. Enter the least number of days you want to have reported.
For example: if you only want to see those items which have been on file for more than 30 days, enter <30>. The report will group all entries by their age.
Hardcopy Mode
This mode offers the same selections as the Screen mode, the difference being that the report is sent to the printer.
Quit Mode
This mode allows you to exit this program and go directly to another program, or to return to the last menu.
Aircraft MEL or CDL assignments – FOMS 425
This utility is used to assign a specific MEL or CDL item to an aircraft. This item may have an impact on the flight plan computation.
Aircraft I.D.
This value is the FIN/Aircraft I.D. as entered in FOMS 220.
This field auto-populates once the Aircraft I.D. has been entered.
Code and DMI fields
Enter an MEL or CDL item number on the first line. Then, the cursor takes you to the second line for a DMI (deferred maintenance item) number as per MEL list for that aircraft type.
Note: In order to assign multiple MEL items with the same number to the same aircraft, you must assign a different DMI number for each instance.
Update and Expire fields
The UPDATE field auto-populates with the current day/month for which the MEL or CDL item was added or updated. Then, the cursor takes you to the second line where you can enter a drop dead date (EXPIRE).
Age and Count fields
AGE value defaults to zero when an MEL or CDL item is first added. This field shows the number of days since the MEL was first assigned to the aircraft. CNT/Op. Count value is the catalyst that decides whether or not a penalty is applied. If the CNT/Op. Count value matches the value entered in the operational condition flag (428 menu) for that MEL, the penalty will be applied to the flight.
If a value lower than the operational condition is entered in the CNT/Op. Count field in FOMS 425, a warning displays. This tells you that the penalty is not applied against a flight if value is left unchanged.
OPR and RES fields

OPR/Operational field (first line) will auto-populate with a Y or N (checked or unchecked) based on whether the MEL or CDL item is set to operational or not.
The RES/Restrictions (second line) will auto-populate with a Y or an N (checked or unchecked) based on whether an MEL or CDL item is restrictive or not.
This will auto-populate with the description entered in FOMS 428 or WebFOMS MEL/CDL Dictionary.
Warning and error messages generated for MEL penalties
Warning or error messages will contain the words MEL and/or CDL restrictions so that it is easier for support personnel to identify why this warning or error is generated.
Note: Not all effect types will generate warnings or errors based on the FOMS 170 parameter.
NFP flight list icon
The icon shown below will appear in the status column of the flight list when an MEL/CDL effect type is assigned to the aircraft.
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.