This program controls the data file of delay codes and their corresponding descriptions.
The modes available are:
To proceed, type in the first letter of the desired command and press <Enter>.
Add Mode
This mode is used to enter delay codes and the corresponding delay descriptions for delay codes which do not currently exist in the data file.
When you are satisfied with your description, press <Enter>. The program will request confirmation that the information is OK, allowing you to accept it and have it written to file; to have another chance to edit your work; or to quit and start again with a different code.
To escape from the Add mode, press <Enter>, or the Up arrow key. When the cursor is on the blank Code Number field. If it is not blank, first press <Ctrl>-X.
Edit Mode
Enter the delay code which you want to edit. The program will display the description of the code which you have selected. If no record exists for the code which you have selected, you will be so advised. In that event, press <Enter> to clear the screen and try again.
To edit the description, you may use either <Ctrl>-X to wipe the entire field, or backspace to delete one character at a time. Note: You may not edit the code number.
If you want to change the code assigned to a particular description, you will have to either use the Add mode or edit the description currently assigned to the code in question.
Delete Mode
Enter the code which you want to delete. If a record exists for that code, it will be displayed on the screen, and you will be asked to confirm that this is really the one that you want to delete. You have the option to proceed, to cancel and try another code, or to quit the Delete mode entirely without making any changes.
To escape from Delete mode, press either <Enter> or the up arrow when the cursor is on a blank Code Number field.
Video Mode
Enter the Video mode, and enter the delay code for which you want to view the description. If you are not sure of the correct code, you may enter your best guess: if no such record exists, then the next available record on file, sorted numerically by delay code, will be displayed.
You may page through the data file with the up and down arrow keys. If you page beyond either the upper or lower limits of the file, you will be returned to a blank record. You may also return to a blank record at any point by pressing <Enter>. At the blank record you can enter another delay code, if you want.
To escape from the Video mode altogether, enter <Q>, or press <Enter> twice.
Screen Mode
When the Screen mode is selected, the display changes to the Range Entry format, allowing you to enter the range of delay codes that you want to view. The default values are 00 and ZZ. When you have entered the limits of the range, you will be asked to confirm them. This allows you the opportunity to revise the range if needed, or to quit the Screen mode.
Press <Enter> to page through the display. The end of the selected range will be indicated on the last page. Pressing <Enter> at this point will return you to the command line.
Hardcopy Mode
The Hardcopy mode works in the same manner as the Screen mode, but directs the output to the printer as soon as you confirm the selection of the range limits. As soon as the information to be printed has been sent to the printer, you may press <Enter> to return to the command line.
Quit Mode
If you select Quit from the command line, the program will give you the option of entering the number of the next program you want to use, or returning to the last used menu by pressing <Enter>.
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.