Field | Description |
Default or Selectable Template | This field is mandatory and has two options <D> Default and <T>Template. |
<D>Default | The default data is loaded onto the Plan screen based on the records in section (A). If you select default type <D> and no other record type, all flights will have the same defaults. When a flight is added, the N-FP system will retrieve the records that match and load the default data. You must add at least one record in the Defaults section. |
<T>Template | When selected, you must give the template a name, and then select the default data you want associated with the template name. Once saved, the Selectable Template is available from the Plan screen. Note: See Plan Screen Buttons and Selectable Templates Examples for more information. |
Record Types
These fields are checked when a flight is added to N-FP. If matches are found, the values entered in the default section are automatically loaded to the Plan screen. Values can be loaded from multiple templates.
Note: See Flight mode for more information.
Field | Description |
Who ALC | Enter ALC if you have multiple ALCs. |
FltNum | Enter any flight numbers that this configuration applies to. All flights can be stored by entering ALL in the Flight Number field. You can enter a flight number range using the * symbol. Example: you can create a default or UI selectable template and enter 01**. The template will match any flight beginning with 01. |
Orig | Add the ICAO or IATA code for the city-pair origin. |
Dest | Add the ICAO or IATA code for the city-pair destination. |
FIN/Reg | Enter the aircraft I.D. This is optional. |
Type | Enter the aircraft type (e.g., B747). If you do not enter an aircraft type, the Series and Engine are unavailable. Series: Enter the series designation of the aircraft (e.g., 400) or enter <?> to search for the desired series. Engines are unavailable if you don't enter an aircraft series. Engines: Enter the engine type for the aircraft (e.g., CF680C2B1F) or enter <?> to search for the desired series. |
Sched | Enter the Schedule type:
Domestic | Enter Flight Type, <D> Domestic or <I> International. |
Atc Alc | Enter the ATC ALC. |
Date Range | Enter a date range that the default data is active <MMDD> |
Time Range | Enter a time range that the default data is active <HHMM>. When the Dest is set and Org is not set, the Time Range is filtered by ETA. Otherwise, Time Range is filtered by ETD. |
VldDays | Enter the day(s) data is valid, <1-Sun>, <2-Mon>, <3-Tue>, <4-Wed>, <5-Thu>, <6-Fri>, <7-Sat>, <D-Weekdays>, <E-Weekends> |
Default Records
This section contains all of the values that will be loaded into the Plan or Route screen.
Field | Description |
Weight Unit | Enter the type of units of weight that the aircraft is calibrated in, lbs <L> or kgs <K>. This field is mandatory. |
Max FL | Enter the maximum flight level for the aircraft. |
Reserve | Enter the reserve type: Fuel, Time, or Percent. |
Reserve Value | Enter the reserve value for Fuel, Time, or Percent. Only valid policies entered into the system are available. |
Resv Policy | Enter the reserve code policy number. |
Tanker Fuel | Enter the tankerage fuel, either:
Ballast Fuel | Enter a ballast fuel amount. |
Dest IFR Fuel | Enter the amount of route Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) fuel. |
Time | Enter the route IFR time. |
Dest IFR Time | Enter the route IFR time. |
Atc Flight Number | Enter the Atc Flight Number |
Atc Item19 | Options: Yes or No. If set to Yes, the ATC filing on Item19 will appear in the ATC message based on departure country instead of FIRs flown through. If set to No, means that no Item19 information is shown. If blank, the current behavior of using FIRs will remain. |
Package Layout Template / Fp Layout | Enter Package Layout (auto populated from layouts created in the Flight Package Layout tab). If a record matches, the chosen layout is used for the flight package. |
MTOW | Enter a maximum take off weight. |
MLW | Enter a maximum landing weight. |
MZFW | Enter a maximum zero-fuel weight. |
MLF/T | Enter minimum landing fuel and/or time. |
AltMLF/T | Enter minimum landing fuel and/or time for an alternate. |
Payload | Enter the payload type:
Payload Amount: | If F, P, or Z is selected, enter payload weight. |
Max Payload Compare | This field is always used to calculate max payload, even if a payload has been specified. The result is displayed to compare the max payload result against the planned payload calculation. Note: the calculation takes TOW, LW, and Max Fuel Uplift into account. |
Enabled | Choose whether to enable max payload compare. |
Opt Method | Select the optimization method:
(OPTCI) choose <Y> or <N> to use the optimum cost index (OPTCI) instead of a predefined profile. This field is disabled if you don't enter a Fin/Reg type in the template or if you select a Profile type. Profile: add a profile to be used for comparison calculation. |
Oew Cfg | Enter the operating empty weight config label, you can use <?> to search if you selected an aircraft type in the Type field. |
DOC | Enter value for direct operating cost. |
Delay Rate | Enter the value for delay cost. |
Max Delay | Enter the maximum cost to be used. This value will be used even if the actual delay cost exceeds this value. |
Delay Threshold | Enter the time in minutes when delay costs begin to occur. |
Profile | Enter the cruise performance profile for this aircraft, or use the <?> search function. If you use the search function, the policy is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the options, and press <Enter> to select. Note: You need an entry in the Type, Series, and Engine fields to search for a profile. |
ALT Profile | Enter the alternate cruise performance profile for this aircraft, or use the <?> search function. If you use the search function, the policy is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the options, and press <Enter> to select. Note: You need an entry in the Type, Series, and Engine fields to search for a profile. |
Climb Bias | Enter the deviation from the base-line climb performance data. 1.000 represents nominal performance. If the aircraft burns more than standard, then enter a value greater than 1. Example: If an aircraft is burning 5% more than standard book values, enter 1.05. The limits are -10% to +25%, i.e., 0.900 to 1.250. |
Cruise Bias | Enter the deviation from the base-line cruise performance data. 1.000 represents nominal performance. If the aircraft burns more than standard, then enter a value greater than 1. Example: If an aircraft is burning 5% more than standard book values, enter 1.05. The limits are -10% to +25%, i.e., 0.900 to 1.250. |
Descent Bias | Enter the deviation from the base-line descent performance data. 1.000 represents nominal performance. If the aircraft burns more than standard, then enter a value greater than 1. Example: If an aircraft is burning 5% more than standard book values, enter 1.05. The limits are -10% to +25%, i.e., 0.900 to 1.250. |
Hold Bias | Enter the deviation from the base-line hold performance data. 1.000 represents nominal performance. If the aircraft burns more than standard, then enter a value greater than 1. Example: If an aircraft is burning 5% more than standard book values, enter 1.05. The limits are -10% to +25%, i.e., 0.900 to 1.250. |
Opt Method | Enter the optimization method, choices are:
This field populates on the Plan and Route Screen. |
Mtta Factor | Enter the MTTA factor for building a route. This field populates on the Route screen. |
Pref Rte No. | Enter prefer city-pair route number. |
Group Label | Enter a default flight group assignment. You can also search using <?>. |
Rules Enabled | Options are:
If set to Yes, N-FP provides a warning if a rule is violated. If set to Rad Only, NFP only considers the RAD rules. If set to No, the rules are ignored and no warning or error will be generated. If set to Error, N-FP generates an error, stopping the computation once a rule is violated. Note: A blank selection has the same behavior as Yes. |
Passenger Weight Adult | This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for adult passengers. Passenger Weight Male: This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for male passengers. Passenger Weight Female: This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for female passengers. Passenger Weight Child: This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for child passengers. Passenger Weight Infant: This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for infant passengers. Passenger Weight Cabin: This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for cabin crew. Passenger Weight Flight: This field allows you to enter the weight value to be used for flight crew. |
Bag | Baggage weight can be defaulted using Input Defaults on a per flight basis, instead of the Airline Code parameters (per fleet basis). |
Note: Cabin and Flight weights are reflected in the BOW weight by clicking on the contextual arrow and adding a number of crew under the Flight Deck Crew or Cabin Crew text boxes.
These passenger weight values override the passenger weight values in FOMS Menu 170 (Airline Parameter File).
Field | Description |
Bag Ratio | Baggage ratio is defined as the average number of bags to be considered per passenger. Ratio value can be entered into the plan screen or as an Input Default. Ratio will be multiplied by passenger count then baggage weight, and will show as payload. |
Addn Fuel | Enter the amount of additional fuel for each of the flight numbers. The additional fuel amount applies to the Flight Number field directly above it. |
Min Extra Fuels | Use these fields to add a minimum amount of extra fuel and specify what fuel types contribute, if the sum of these values is lower than the minimum extra fuel, the difference is automatically added. ID: Enter a unique identifier for the minimum fuel. This field is populated from fields in the Airline Code Parameters screen. You must first enter an ID and then, select where to apply the fuel in the Airline Code Parameters screen. Fuel: Enter the amount of fuel required, if the sum of these values is lower than the amount of fuel the difference is automatically added. |
Add Hold Fuel | Enter the amount of hold fuel. Time: Enter the amount of hold time. FL: Enter additional hold flight level - can only be used if Add Hold Fuel is empty and a value has been entered in the Time field Alt: Indicate if the hold is for alternate, Yes or No. |
Org/Dst Circuit | Enter a numeric value in minutes for Circuit Time for Origin and Destination |
Org Taxi | Enter the origin taxi fuel in minutes or amount. |
Dst Taxi | Enter the destination taxi fuel in minutes or amount. |
APU Time Before Refuel | Enter the amount of time the APU is running before refueling. |
After Refuel | Enter the amount of time the APU is running after refueling. Values entered are taken into consideration for multi-leg tankering calculations to determine how much fuel is required. The flight plan format will show an increase in the taxi out fuel if the Ground APU time between refuel and Taxi Out is greater than zero. These fields are displayed on the flight plan with the Taxi fuel parameters. Note: The APU Time Before and After fields are also available as Input Defaults. |
Automation Profile Name: Select the automation profile, see Automation Defaults for more information.
When applying an automation profile in the Input Defaults, the profile selected here will override the one selected in the Airline Code Parameters database.
Field | Description |
Atc Remark | Enter ICAO ATC Item 18 remarks. These remarks are shown in the ATC Remarks section at the bottom of the Plan screen and on the flight plan. Fp Remark: Enter Flight Plan remarks. FP Remarks can be edited on a per-flight basis and are also appended to the ADMIN Company NOTAMs. Orig Fuel Price Id: Enter a fuel price ID from your Fuel Costs menu for the origin. Dest Fuel Price Id: Enter a fuel price ID from your Fuel Costs menu for the destination. |
Comparison Burns | Enter the level type for the comparison burn flight level, such as:
ETOW | Add the ETOW offset(+/-) for the comparison burn. |
Profile | Enter the comparison burn cruise profile. (LRC, M79, CI10 etc) |
Comments | Enter any relevant comments regarding the template. |
Note: The following descriptions represent the typical access and privileges afforded to users designated as Dispatch Managers/Supervisors. Users with dispatcher privileges will have limited access to a subset of the screens presented.