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FOMS Menu 170 - Page 1

Hazards/Fuel defaults/RNP/Optimizers




This field represents the carrier’s three-letter airline code. Generally only one airline code is maintained on each system. 

Note: There is support for multiple airline codes should the user have the requirement to manage more than one airline code.


Enter the company name. 

Note: This information is not used by the system so it is OK to abbreviate if necessary.


Enter the name of the individual within the company that is to be considered the NAVBLUE System Administrator. Typically, this will be the Manager of Dispatch or other person that NAVBLUE may contact regarding the system should it be necessary.


Enter the mailing address of the company. NAVBLUE uses this information to send correspondences that are not appropriate to be sent via electronic form.


Enter the phone number of the company here. Generally, this is the direct phone line to dispatch and is used by NAVBLUE should it be necessary to contact the carrier about a system problem.


Enter the FAX phone number of the company here. Generally, this is the FAX located in dispatch and is used by NAVBLUE should it be necessary to contact the carrier via fax about a system problem.

Reply email override

When flight packages are sent via email, the email alias entered in this field is used in the From field on the email.

Note: The hazard settings entered here are applied to all aircraft unless these fields are set in the Aircraft Database (FOMS 220) menu for a particular aircraft. Values set in the Aircraft Database (FOMS 220) override the values set here.

Wind Source

This field consists of two parameters.

  1. First Field: Select the default weather provider for wind/temp data. 

  • Options are:

    • NWS (USA National Weather Service)

    • UKM (UK Meteorological Service) 

  1. Second Field: Apply route distance reduction on historical wind percentile? 

  • Options are yes (Y) and no (N).


Enter the default percentile for the historical data. 

  • Values between 1-99%


Enter the default number of years for the historical data. Options are 351020, and 30 years.

Default Hazard Source

The Default Hazard Source drop down allows you to select from any of (N)ONE, DTN, EFH or ERP. Note the Hazard source can be made independent of wind data, and that this feature is currently only available for North America.



Avoid Temp

Enter the threshold forecast temperature in °C. Forecast temperatures below this point will be avoided when generating a flight plan. 

Note: Avoid Temperature setting avoids the temp if possible, and warns the user if it is unable to.

Avoid Turb EDR

Enter a maximum EDR (eddy dissipation rate) value to avoid. NFP will attempt to avoid EDR values above the value entered when generating a flight plan. 

Select Y in the field beside to set the Avoid Turb checkbox on the Route Group and Avoid turbulence checkbox on the Route Builder screen to checked by default. Refer to Plan and Route Screen Defaults.   

Turb Thres

Enter the PPI thresholds for Light, Moderate, and Severe turbulence. 

Values are between 0.0 and 2.0.

Dest TS Warn

Warn if thunderstorm probability is above 30% at destination.

Avoid Icing PPI

Enter a maximum PPI (percent power increase) value to avoid. NFP will attempt to avoid PPI values above the value entered when generating a flight plan. 

Allowable values are 0.0 – 2.0. 

Select Y in the field beside to set the Avoid Icing checkbox on the Route Group and Avoid icing (if flying low) checkbox on the Route Builder screen to checked by default. Refer to Plan and Route Screen Defaults.

Avoid Thunderstorm

If set to Y, the MTTA will re-route and compute to change altitudes to avoid thunderstorms.

Avoid Thunderstorm - Vert Velocity

Enter the vertical velocity value in meters per second. Values above this point will be avoided when generating a flight plan. 

Select Y in the field beside to set the Avoid Storm checkbox on the Route Group and Avoid thunderstorm checkbox on the Route Builder screen to be checked by default. Refer to Plan and Route Screen Defaults.

Avoid Thunderstorm - Fly above by

Enter a flight level in hundreds of feet. 

This allows the aircraft to fly above a thunderstorm by this value.

Avoid Tracks

This flag dictates whether you want to avoid the North Atlantic tracks (NATs) by default. 

  • If set to Y, NFP Route Builder checkbox for Avoid NATs is selected by default. 

  • If set to N, you must manually select the checkbox to avoid NATs. The default setting is N.

Reserve Consumed

Plan and Route Screen Defaults

Three fields (shown above) on the first page of FOMS 170 Hazards section. If there are values input for Avoid Temp, Avoid Turb Edr, and Avoid ThunderStorm, checkboxes will automatically be selected by default in both Plan and Route builder screens. If blank, checkboxes will have to be manually selected.



Reserve – Domestic/International

These reserve policies are your default policies entered for either Domestic and/or International flights. These values ensure that should the reserve fields in the aircraft characteristics (FOMS 220) remain blank, NFP uses these policies to calculate fuel reserves. 

If these fields are left blank, NFP searches for the default values in your main parameter file (ex. Domestic is 01/International is 00).

Structural Hold Time – Domestic/International

Times entered here are your default values. 

  • If Hold fields are left blank in aircraft characteristics (FOMS 220), NFP uses these values to calculate Domestic and/or International Hold fuel. These values impact every flight regardless of aircraft used. 

  • If these fields are left blank, NFP searches for the default values in the your main parameter file. Contact NAVBLUE Support for more information.

Min Reserve (Min Top Up fuel)

Time (minutes) entered here will determine the following:

  • Min Reserve / Top Up Fuel = Min Fuel Required - Alt Fuel - Holding Fuel

  • Min Fuel Required = 60 mins * Holding Burn Rate @ MZFW over the destination

    • * = multiplied

Note: May cause additional fuel to be added to meet minimum reserve fuel values.

Additional Hold Time and Flight Level (FL)

Time and FL entered here is considered as additional HOLD or fuel. Choose where this fuel needs to be included. This may require a format change.

Note: This fuel is in addition to and does not override primary HOLD fuel. Additional Hold Time and Flight Level default values are not entered until you select Time/FL option on the Hold field on the Plan screen.

  • Fuel: Enter a fuel weight value to use as default for additional HOLD.

  • Time: Enter a time value to use as default for additional HOLD.

  • Use TOD: Use the Top of Descent burn rate.

    • Options are yes (Y) or no (N)

  • At Alt: Is additional HOLD for alternate station? 

    • Options are yes (Y) or no (N)

    • Default is Y.

  • Optional: Is additional HOLD fuel optional?

    • Options are yes (Y) or no (N)

    • Default is N.

Opt Method

This is the default route optimizer for the airline. The option entered in this field impacts route selection and the route analysis process. 

Options are:

  • Least F (Fuel), 

  • C (Cost),

  • T (Time). 

  • If left blank, NFP looks at your main parameter file. Contact NAVBLUE Support for more information.

The OPT route option also uses the default optimizer to generate an MTTA as shown below. 

Display Taxi Fuel

Display taxi fuel instead of time. This impacts the taxi fuel default shown in the plan screen. 

Options are Y (yes), N (no) or F (only for Fixed Taxi aircraft). 

  • When set to Y, taxi fuel shows in lbs/kgs instead of time. 

  • When set to N, taxi fuel shows as a time value in minutes for aircraft configured with taxi fuel as an hourly rate in aircraft characteristics. 

  • When set to F, default taxi fuel shows in lbs/kgs only for aircraft configured with taxi fuel as a fixed rate in aircraft characteristics.  

Use FAR/RLF – FAA arrival fuel / Recommended landing fuel

This field impacts in-flight revisions only. Options are Y (yes), N (no). 

  • If set to Y, ballast, additional, and additional 2 fuel values are not included in the minimum landing fuel calculation. 

  • If set to N, these fuels are included as part of the minimum landing fuel requirement.

Domestic CC

Enter the two letter country code for which the airline is registered. This is how NFP determines whether a flight is Domestic or International.

This entry is also used by NFP to determine the following:

  • Domestic or International reserve policy

  • Domestic or Bonded fuel prices

  • Domestic or International HOLD

  • Domestic or International flight plan format

  • Overflight costs

The CC entered in FOMS 220 will override the one entered in FOMS 170.

Stepclimb Dist

If blank, the default is 300NM. Any other distance value entered forces NFP to omit step climbs within this set distance from destination.

NAT Stepclimb

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, NFP allows step climbs for routes planned while on the North Atlantic track structure. 

  • If N is selected, no step climbs are allowed. 

  • If blank, the default is the same behavior as and step climb on the NAT tracks does not occur.

Unsuitable is err

Treat unsuitable airports flagged from the menu as a compute error. Options are Y (yes)or N (no).

Mtta Factor

If the field is blank, the default value is 1.1. Any other value entered (1.2 – 2.0) becomes the default MTTA factor in the NFP Route Screen. An increase in the search splay increases the number of waypoint/airway connections and increases the time required for MTTA route generation.

Reclear MLW Error (MLW = max landing weight)

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, NFP generates an error message if the MLW has been exceeded at the reclear destination. Payload needs to be reduced, or reclear destination changed. 

  • If N is entered, the system provides a warning message to the Dispatcher, but flight plan still computes. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as occurs.

Inflight MLW Warn - for inflight revisions only

Options are Y (yes)or N (no). 

  • If Y is entered, NFP generates a warning message if the max landing weight at the original diversion destination is exceeded. The warning provides useful weight information to the Dispatcher, and still allows for a successful compute. 

  • If N is entered, the NFP generates an error until changes are made. 

  • If blank, the same behavior as Y occurs.

Weight Unit

Enter the default weight unit (LBS/KGS) for passenger and fuel weights.

Currency Unit

Enter the customer default currency unit. This impacts the second column for overflight costs. First column displays the FIR’s currency while the second column displays the converted value based on this input.

The OFC cost shown in the Route Screen is also based on this entry.

Temperature Unit

Options are F (Farenheit), or C (Celsius). This currently only impacts the fuel/payload analysis. 

  • If C is entered, temperatures in the fuel/payload utility (FOMS 133) default to degrees Celsius.

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